Asset Management

7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Asset management in ML is a discipline that offers engineers the necessary management support for processes and operations on different types of ML assets.


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Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders

msminhas93/anomaly-detection-using-autoencoders Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems 2020

But for defect detection lack of availability of a large number of anomalous instances and labelled data is a problem.

Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling for Knowledge Transfer Across Engineering Fleets via Multitask Learning

labull/engineeringpatternrecognition 26 Apr 2022

Utilising an interpretable hierarchical Bayesian approach and operational fleet data, domain expertise is naturally encoded (and appropriately shared) between different sub-groups, representing (i) use-type, (ii) component, or (iii) operating condition.

Reap the Harvest on Blockchain: A Survey of Yield Farming Protocols

xujiahuayz/yieldAggregators 9 Oct 2022

Yield farming represents an immensely popular asset management activity in decentralized finance (DeFi).

SEBERTNets: Sequence Enhanced BERT Networks for Event Entity Extraction Tasks Oriented to the Finance Field

hecongqing/CCKS2019_EventEntityExtraction_Rank5 21 Jan 2024

In addition, motivated by recommendation system, we propose Hybrid Sequence Enhanced BERT Networks (HSEBERTNets for short), which uses a multi-channel recall method to recall all the corresponding event entity.

An Empirical Study of Challenges in Machine Learning Asset Management

zhimin-z/asset-management-topic-modeling 25 Feb 2024

In machine learning (ML), efficient asset management, including ML models, datasets, algorithms, and tools, is vital for resource optimization, consistent performance, and a streamlined development lifecycle.