CAD Reconstruction

9 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 6 datasets

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Most implemented papers

End-to-End CAD Model Retrieval and 9DoF Alignment in 3D Scans

alexeybokhovkin/CAD-Deform ICCV 2019

We present a novel, end-to-end approach to align CAD models to an 3D scan of a scene, enabling transformation of a noisy, incomplete 3D scan to a compact, CAD reconstruction with clean, complete object geometry.

Fusion 360 Gallery: A Dataset and Environment for Programmatic CAD Construction from Human Design Sequences

AutodeskAILab/Fusion360GalleryDataset 5 Oct 2020

Parametric computer-aided design (CAD) is a standard paradigm used to design manufactured objects, where a 3D shape is represented as a program supported by the CAD software.

DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models

ChrisWu1997/DeepCAD ICCV 2021

We present the first 3D generative model for a drastically different shape representation --- describing a shape as a sequence of computer-aided design (CAD) operations.

ComplexGen: CAD Reconstruction by B-Rep Chain Complex Generation

guohaoxiang/complexgen 29 May 2022

We view the reconstruction of CAD models in the boundary representation (B-Rep) as the detection of geometric primitives of different orders, i. e. vertices, edges and surface patches, and the correspondence of primitives, which are holistically modeled as a chain complex, and show that by modeling such comprehensive structures more complete and regularized reconstructions can be achieved.

ExtrudeNet: Unsupervised Inverse Sketch-and-Extrude for Shape Parsing

kimren227/extrudenet 30 Sep 2022

This paper studies the problem of learning the shape given in the form of point clouds by inverse sketch-and-extrude.

SECAD-Net: Self-Supervised CAD Reconstruction by Learning Sketch-Extrude Operations

bunnysocrazy/secad-net CVPR 2023

Reverse engineering CAD models from raw geometry is a classic but strenuous research problem.

Hierarchical Neural Coding for Controllable CAD Model Generation

samxuxiang/hnc-cad 30 Jun 2023

This paper presents a novel generative model for Computer Aided Design (CAD) that 1) represents high-level design concepts of a CAD model as a three-level hierarchical tree of neural codes, from global part arrangement down to local curve geometry; and 2) controls the generation or completion of CAD models by specifying the target design using a code tree.

Text2CAD: Generating Sequential CAD Models from Beginner-to-Expert Level Text Prompts

SadilKhan/Text2CAD 25 Sep 2024

We propose Text2CAD, the first AI framework for generating text-to-parametric CAD models using designer-friendly instructions for all skill levels.

CAD-Recode: Reverse Engineering CAD Code from Point Clouds

filaPro/cad-recode 18 Dec 2024

Taking advantage of the exposure of pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) to Python code, we leverage a relatively small LLM as a decoder for CAD-Recode and combine it with a lightweight point cloud projector.