Change detection for remote sensing images
22 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 4 datasets
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Fully Convolutional Siamese Networks for Change Detection
This paper presents three fully convolutional neural network architectures which perform change detection using a pair of coregistered images.
Change is Everywhere: Single-Temporal Supervised Object Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
For high spatial resolution (HSR) remote sensing images, bitemporal supervised learning always dominates change detection using many pairwise labeled bitemporal images.
Lake Ice Monitoring with Webcams and Crowd-Sourced Images
On average, it achieves intersection-over-union (IoU) values of ~71% across different cameras and ~69% across different winters, greatly outperforming prior work.
DASNet: Dual attentive fully convolutional siamese networks for change detection of high resolution satellite images
However, the available methods focus mainly on the difference information between multitemporal remote sensing images and lack robustness to pseudo-change information.
An Empirical Study of Remote Sensing Pretraining
To this end, we train different networks from scratch with the help of the largest RS scene recognition dataset up to now -- MillionAID, to obtain a series of RS pretrained backbones, including both convolutional neural networks (CNN) and vision transformers such as Swin and ViTAE, which have shown promising performance on computer vision tasks.
TINYCD: A (Not So) Deep Learning Model For Change Detection
Despite being from 13 to 140 times smaller than the compared change detection models, and exposing at least a third of the computational complexity, our model outperforms the current state-of-the-art models by at least $1\%$ on both F1 score and IoU on the LEVIR-CD dataset, and more than $8\%$ on the WHU-CD dataset.
Transition Is a Process: Pair-to-Video Change Detection Networks for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
In view of these issues, we propose a more explicit and sophisticated modeling of time and accordingly establish a pair-to-video change detection (P2V-CD) framework.
MTP: Advancing Remote Sensing Foundation Model via Multi-Task Pretraining
However, transferring the pretrained models to downstream tasks may encounter task discrepancy due to their formulation of pretraining as image classification or object discrimination tasks.
Continuous monitoring of climate indicators is important for understanding the dynamics and trends of the climate system.
End-to-End Change Detection for High Resolution Satellite Images Using Improved UNet++
To address the above-mentioned issues, a novel end-to-end CD method is proposed based on an effective encoder-decoder architecture for semantic segmentation named UNet++, where change maps could be learned from scratch using available annotated datasets.