Co-Salient Object Detection

21 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Co-Salient Object Detection is a computational problem that aims at highlighting the common and salient foreground regions (or objects) in an image group. Please also refer to the online benchmark:

( Image credit: Taking a Deeper Look at Co-Salient Object Detection, CVPR2020 )

Most implemented papers

CoADNet: Collaborative Aggregation-and-Distribution Networks for Co-Salient Object Detection

rmcong/CoADNet_NeurIPS20 NeurIPS 2020

In the first stage, we propose a group-attentional semantic aggregation module that models inter-image relationships to generate the group-wise semantic representations.

Group Collaborative Learning for Co-Salient Object Detection

fanq15/GCoNet CVPR 2021

We present a novel group collaborative learning framework (GCoNet) capable of detecting co-salient objects in real time (16ms), by simultaneously mining consensus representations at group level based on the two necessary criteria: 1) intra-group compactness to better formulate the consistency among co-salient objects by capturing their inherent shared attributes using our novel group affinity module; 2) inter-group separability to effectively suppress the influence of noisy objects on the output by introducing our new group collaborating module conditioning the inconsistent consensus.

Summarize and Search: Learning Consensus-aware Dynamic Convolution for Co-Saliency Detection

nnizhang/cadc ICCV 2021

In this paper, we propose a novel consensus-aware dynamic convolution model to explicitly and effectively perform the "summarize and search" process.

A Unified Transformer Framework for Group-based Segmentation: Co-Segmentation, Co-Saliency Detection and Video Salient Object Detection

suyukun666/UFO 9 Mar 2022

Besides, they fail to take full advantage of the cues among inter- and intra-feature within a group of images.

Democracy Does Matter: Comprehensive Feature Mining for Co-Salient Object Detection

siyueyu/dcfm CVPR 2022

To achieve this, we design a democratic prototype generation module to generate democratic response maps, covering sufficient co-salient regions and thereby involving more shared attributes of co-salient objects.

Co-Salient Object Detection with Co-Representation Purification

zzy816/corp 14 Mar 2023

Such irrelevant information in the co-representation interferes with its locating of co-salient objects.

Discriminative Co-Saliency and Background Mining Transformer for Co-Salient Object Detection

dragonlee258079/DMT CVPR 2023

Then, we use two types of pre-defined tokens to mine co-saliency and background information via our proposed contrast-induced pixel-to-token correlation and co-saliency token-to-token correlation modules.

Advancing Referring Expression Segmentation Beyond Single Image

shikras/d-cube ICCV 2023

To overcome this limitation, we propose a more realistic and general setting, named Group-wise Referring Expression Segmentation (GRES), which expands RES to a collection of related images, allowing the described objects to be present in a subset of input images.

Zero-Shot Co-salient Object Detection Framework

hkxiao/zs-cosod 11 Sep 2023

Despite recent advancements in deep learning models, these models still rely on training with well-annotated CoSOD datasets.

Towards Open-World Co-Salient Object Detection with Generative Uncertainty-aware Group Selective Exchange-Masking

wuyang98/CoSOD 16 Oct 2023

To simultaneously consider the uncertainty introduced by irrelevant images and the consensus features of the remaining relevant images in the group, we designed a latent variable generator branch and CoSOD transformer branch.