Color Normalization

5 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Regularized Discrete Optimal Transport

gpeyre/2013-SIIMS-regularized-ot 21 Jul 2013

The resulting transportation plan can be used as a color transfer map, which is robust to mass variation across images color palettes.

Fast GPU-Enabled Color Normalization for Digital Pathology

MEDAL-IITB/Fast_WSI_Color_Norm 10 Jan 2019

Normalizing unwanted color variations due to differences in staining processes and scanner responses has been shown to aid machine learning in computational pathology.

Structure-Preserving Multi-Domain Stain Color Augmentation using Style-Transfer with Disentangled Representations

sophiajw/HistAuGAN 26 Jul 2021

Alternatively, color augmentation can be applied during training leading to a more robust model without the extra step of color normalization at test time.

Neural Preset for Color Style Transfer

ZHKKKe/NeuralPreset CVPR 2023

In this paper, we present a Neural Preset technique to address the limitations of existing color style transfer methods, including visual artifacts, vast memory requirement, and slow style switching speed.