Conformal Prediction

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Conformal prediction set for time-series

hamrel-cxu/ensemble-regularized-adaptive-prediction-set-eraps 15 Jun 2022

When building either prediction intervals for regression (with real-valued response) or prediction sets for classification (with categorical responses), uncertainty quantification is essential to studying complex machine learning methods.

"Even if ..." -- Diverse Semifactual Explanations of Reject

andreartelt/diversesemifactualsreject 5 Jul 2022

In this work, we propose to explain rejects by semifactual explanations, an instance of example-based explanation methods, which them self have not been widely considered in the XAI community yet.

Improved Online Conformal Prediction via Strongly Adaptive Online Learning

salesforce/online_conformal 15 Feb 2023

We prove that our methods achieve near-optimal strongly adaptive regret for all interval lengths simultaneously, and approximately valid coverage.

Improving Adaptive Conformal Prediction Using Self-Supervised Learning

seedatnabeel/sscp 23 Feb 2023

However, the use of self-supervision beyond model pretraining and representation learning has been largely unexplored.

Design-based conformal prediction

valeman/awesome-conformal-prediction 2 Mar 2023

Conformal prediction is an assumption-lean approach to generating distribution-free prediction intervals or sets, for nearly arbitrary predictive models, with guaranteed finite-sample coverage.

Conformal Prediction for Deep Classifier via Label Ranking

ml-stat-Sustech/conformal_prediction_via_label_ranking 10 Oct 2023

In this paper, we empirically and theoretically show that disregarding the probabilities' value will mitigate the undesirable effect of miscalibrated probability values.

Model-Robust Counterfactual Prediction Method

dzachariah/counterfactual 19 May 2017

We develop a novel method for counterfactual analysis based on observational data using prediction intervals for units under different exposures.

libconform v0.1.0: a Python library for conformal prediction

jofas/conform 3 Jul 2019

This paper introduces libconform v0. 1. 0, a Python library for the conformal prediction framework, licensed under the MIT-license.

Distributional conformal prediction

kwuthrich/replication_dcp 17 Sep 2019

We propose a robust method for constructing conditionally valid prediction intervals based on models for conditional distributions such as quantile and distribution regression.