cross-domain few-shot learning

31 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Its essence is transfer learning. The model needs to be trained in the source domain and then migrated to the target domain. Compliant with (1) the category in the target domain has never appeared in the source domain (2) the data distribution of the target domain is inconsistent with the source domain (3) each class in the target domain has very few labels


Most implemented papers

TGDM: Target Guided Dynamic Mixup for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

lovelyqian/wave-SAN-CDFSL 11 Oct 2022

The proposed TGDM framework contains a Mixup-3T network for learning classifiers and a dynamic ratio generation network (DRGN) for learning the optimal mix ratio.

ME-D2N: Multi-Expert Domain Decompositional Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

lovelyqian/ME-D2N_for_CDFSL 11 Oct 2022

Concretely, to solve the data imbalance problem between the source data with sufficient examples and the auxiliary target data with limited examples, we build our model under the umbrella of multi-expert learning.

Revisiting Prototypical Network for Cross Domain Few-Shot Learning

nwpuzhoufei/ldp-net CVPR 2023

Prototypical Network is a popular few-shot solver that aims at establishing a feature metric generalizable to novel few-shot classification (FSC) tasks using deep neural networks.

Dual Adaptive Representation Alignment for Cross-domain Few-shot Learning

icvteam/dara 18 Jun 2023

Recent progress in this setting assumes that the base knowledge and novel query samples are distributed in the same domains, which are usually infeasible for realistic applications.

CDFSL-V: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning for Videos

sarinda251/cdfsl-v ICCV 2023

To address this issue, in this work, we propose a novel cross-domain few-shot video action recognition method that leverages self-supervised learning and curriculum learning to balance the information from the source and target domains.

Domain Adaptive Few-Shot Open-Set Learning

debabratapal7/dafosnet ICCV 2023

Few-shot learning has made impressive strides in addressing the crucial challenges of recognizing unknown samples from novel classes in target query sets and managing visual shifts between domains.

Multi-level Relation Learning for Cross-domain Few-shot Hyperspectral Image Classification

henulwy/stbdip 2 Nov 2023

In addition, it adopts a transformer based cross-attention learning module to learn the set-level sample relations and acquire the attention from query samples to support samples.

Leveraging Normalization Layer in Adapters With Progressive Learning and Adaptive Distillation for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

YangYongJin/APEX 18 Dec 2023

Second, to address the pitfalls of noisy statistics, we deploy two strategies: a progressive training of the two adapters and an adaptive distillation technique derived from features determined by the model solely with the adapter devoid of a normalization layer.

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning via Adaptive Transformer Networks

naeem-paeedeh/adapter 25 Jan 2024

Most few-shot learning works rely on the same domain assumption between the base and the target tasks, hindering their practical applications.

Enhancing Information Maximization with Distance-Aware Contrastive Learning for Source-Free Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

xuhuali-mxj/im-dcl 4 Mar 2024

For this reason, this paper explores a Source-Free CDFSL (SF-CDFSL) problem, in which CDFSL is addressed through the use of existing pretrained models instead of training a model with source data, avoiding accessing source data.