Cross-Domain Few-Shot

55 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 6 datasets

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Most implemented papers

StyleAdv: Meta Style Adversarial Training for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

lovelyqian/styleadv-cdfsl CVPR 2023

Thus, inspired by vanilla adversarial learning, a novel model-agnostic meta Style Adversarial training (StyleAdv) method together with a novel style adversarial attack method is proposed for CD-FSL.

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Learned Feature-Wise Transformation

hytseng0509/CrossDomainFewShot ICLR 2020

Few-shot classification aims to recognize novel categories with only few labeled images in each class.

A Transductive Multi-Head Model for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

leezhp1994/TMHFS 8 Jun 2020

The TMHFS method extends the Meta-Confidence Transduction (MCT) and Dense Feature-Matching Networks (DFMN) method [2] by introducing a new prediction head, i. e, an instance-wise global classification network based on semantic information, after the common feature embedding network.

Explanation-Guided Training for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification

SunJiamei/few-shot-lrp-guided 17 Jul 2020

It leverages on the explanation scores, obtained from existing explanation methods when applied to the predictions of FSC models, computed for intermediate feature maps of the models.

Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks

Tsingularity/FRN CVPR 2021

In this paper we reformulate few-shot classification as a reconstruction problem in latent space.

Few-shot Image Classification: Just Use a Library of Pre-trained Feature Extractors and a Simple Classifier

arjish/PreTrainedFullLibrary_FewShot ICCV 2021

Recent papers have suggested that transfer learning can outperform sophisticated meta-learning methods for few-shot image classification.

Modular Adaptation for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

frkl/modular-adaptation 1 Apr 2021

Adapting pre-trained representations has become the go-to recipe for learning new downstream tasks with limited examples.

Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Adversarial Task Augmentation

Haoqing-Wang/CDFSL-ATA 29 Apr 2021

However, when there exists the domain shift between the training tasks and the test tasks, the obtained inductive bias fails to generalize across domains, which degrades the performance of the meta-learning models.

DAMSL: Domain Agnostic Meta Score-based Learning

johncai117/DAMSL 6 Jun 2021

In this paper, we propose Domain Agnostic Meta Score-based Learning (DAMSL), a novel, versatile and highly effective solution that delivers significant out-performance over state-of-the-art methods for cross-domain few-shot learning.

Dynamic Distillation Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Recognition with Unlabeled Data

asrafulashiq/dynamic-cdfsl NeurIPS 2021

As the base dataset and unlabeled dataset are from different domains, projecting the target images in the class-domain of the base dataset with a fixed pretrained model might be sub-optimal.