Deep Clustering

115 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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2 papers

Most implemented papers

Towards Uncovering the Intrinsic Data Structures for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Structurally Regularized Deep Clustering

huitangtang/SRDCPP 8 Dec 2020

To address this issue, we are motivated by a UDA assumption of structural similarity across domains, and propose to directly uncover the intrinsic target discrimination via constrained clustering, where we constrain the clustering solutions using structural source regularization that hinges on the very same assumption.

Attention-driven Graph Clustering Network

ZhihaoPENG-CityU/AGCN 12 Aug 2021

The combination of the traditional convolutional network (i. e., an auto-encoder) and the graph convolutional network has attracted much attention in clustering, in which the auto-encoder extracts the node attribute feature and the graph convolutional network captures the topological graph feature.

Deep Embedded K-Means Clustering

spdj2271/DEKM 30 Sep 2021

To this end, we discard the decoder and propose a greedy method to optimize the representation.

Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representation

topoxlab/mcspatnet ICCV 2021

In digital pathology, both detection and classification of cells are important for automatic diagnostic and prognostic tasks.

Anomaly Clustering: Grouping Images into Coherent Clusters of Anomaly Types

KevinWangHP/Anomaly-Clustering 21 Dec 2021

We define a distance function between images, each of which is represented as a bag of embeddings, by the Euclidean distance between weighted averaged embeddings.

Twin Contrastive Learning for Online Clustering

XLearning-SCU/2022-IJCV-TCL 21 Oct 2022

Specifically, we find that when the data is projected into a feature space with a dimensionality of the target cluster number, the rows and columns of its feature matrix correspond to the instance and cluster representation, respectively.

Permutation Invariant Training of Deep Models for Speaker-Independent Multi-talker Speech Separation

JusperLee/UtterancePIT-Speech-Separation 1 Jul 2016

We propose a novel deep learning model, which supports permutation invariant training (PIT), for speaker independent multi-talker speech separation, commonly known as the cocktail-party problem.

Deep Clustering via Joint Convolutional Autoencoder Embedding and Relative Entropy Minimization

herandy/DEPICT ICCV 2017

We define a clustering objective function using relative entropy (KL divergence) minimization, regularized by a prior for the frequency of cluster assignments.

Object category learning and retrieval with weak supervision

StevenHickson/VideoObjectProposals 26 Jan 2018

We consider the problem of retrieving objects from image data and learning to classify them into meaningful semantic categories with minimal supervision.

Alternative Objective Functions for Deep Clustering

mpariente/asteroid ICASSP 2018

The recently proposed deep clustering framework represents a significant step towards solv-ing the cocktail party problem.