Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

14 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Adapting to Label Shift with Bias-Corrected Calibration

no code yet • 25 Sep 2019

Label shift refers to the phenomenon where the marginal probability p(y) of observing a particular class changes between the training and test distributions, while the conditional probability p(x|y) stays fixed.

Multi-scale Microaneurysms Segmentation Using Embedding Triplet Loss

no code yet • 18 Apr 2019

To enhance the discriminative power of the classification model, we incorporate triplet embedding loss with a selective sampling routine.

MedAL: Deep Active Learning Sampling Method for Medical Image Analysis

no code yet • 25 Sep 2018

Active learning techniques can be used to minimize the number of required training labels while maximizing the model's performance. In this work, we propose a novel sampling method that queries the unlabeled examples that maximize the average distance to all training set examples in a learned feature space.

Case Study: Explaining Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Deep CNNs via Integrated Gradients

no code yet • 27 Sep 2017

In this report, we applied integrated gradients to explaining a neural network for diabetic retinopathy detection.

Zoom-in-Net: Deep Mining Lesions for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

no code yet • 14 Jun 2017

We propose a convolution neural network based algorithm for simultaneously diagnosing diabetic retinopathy and highlighting suspicious regions.

Neural Networks with Manifold Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

no code yet • 12 Dec 2016

Our experimental results show that neural networks in combination with preprocessing on the images can boost the classification accuracy on this dataset.

On The Direct Maximization of Quadratic Weighted Kappa

no code yet • 23 Sep 2015

In recent years, quadratic weighted kappa has been growing in popularity in the machine learning community as an evaluation metric in domains where the target labels to be predicted are drawn from integer ratings, usually obtained from human experts.