Diachronic Word Embeddings

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Most implemented papers

Diachronic Word Embeddings Reveal Statistical Laws of Semantic Change

williamleif/histwords ACL 2016

Understanding how words change their meanings over time is key to models of language and cultural evolution, but historical data on meaning is scarce, making theories hard to develop and test.

Temporal Word Analogies: Identifying Lexical Replacement with Diachronic Word Embeddings

tdszyman/twapy ACL 2017

One well-known property of word embeddings is that they are able to effectively model traditional word analogies ({``}word $w_1$ is to word $w_2$ as word $w_3$ is to word $w_4${''}) through vector addition.

Tracing Antisemitic Language Through Diachronic Embedding Projections: France 1789-1914

roccotrip/antisem WS 2019

We investigate some aspects of the history of antisemitism in France, one of the cradles of modern antisemitism, using diachronic word embeddings.

Training Temporal Word Embeddings with a Compass

valedica/twec 5 Jun 2019

Temporal word embeddings have been proposed to support the analysis of word meaning shifts during time and to study the evolution of languages.

Neural Temporality Adaptation for Document Classification: Diachronic Word Embeddings and Domain Adaptation Models

xiaoleihuang/Neural_Temporality_Adaptation ACL 2019

Language usage can change across periods of time, but document classifiers models are usually trained and tested on corpora spanning multiple years without considering temporal variations.

Contextualized Diachronic Word Representations

ganeshjawahar/social_word_emb WS 2019

We devise a novel attentional model, based on Bernoulli word embeddings, that are conditioned on contextual extra-linguistic (social) features such as network, spatial and socio-economic variables, which are associated with Twitter users, as well as topic-based features.

Follow the Leader: Documents on the Leading Edge of Semantic Change Get More Citations

sandeepsoni/semantic-progressiveness 9 Sep 2019

However, simply knowing that a word has changed in meaning is insufficient to identify the instances of word usage that convey the historical or the newer meaning.

Abolitionist Networks: Modeling Language Change in Nineteenth-Century Activist Newspapers

sandeepsoni/semantic-leadership-network 12 Mar 2021

This paper supplements recent qualitative work on the role of women in abolition's vanguard, as well as the role of the Black press, with a quantitative text modeling approach.

Words with Consistent Diachronic Usage Patterns are Learned Earlier: A Computational Analysis Using Temporally Aligned Word Embeddings

GiovanniCassani/semanticShift_AoA Cognitive Science 2021

In this study, we use temporally aligned word embeddings and a large diachronic corpus of English to quantify language change in a data-driven, scalable way, which is grounded in language use.

DUKweb: Diachronic word representations from the UK Web Archive corpus

alan-turing-institute/DUKweb 2 Jul 2021

Lexical semantic change (detecting shifts in the meaning and usage of words) is an important task for social and cultural studies as well as for Natural Language Processing applications.