Document Layout Analysis

36 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 9 datasets

"Document Layout Analysis is performed to determine physical structure of a document, that is, to determine document components. These document components can consist of single connected components-regions [...] of pixels that are adjacent to form single regions [...] , or group of text lines. A text line is a group of characters, symbols, and words that are adjacent, “relatively close” to each other and through which a straight line can be drawn (usually with horizontal or vertical orientation)." L. O'Gorman, "The document spectrum for page layout analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1162-1173, Nov. 1993.

Image credit: PubLayNet: largest dataset ever for document layout analysis


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Latest papers with no code

RoDLA: Benchmarking the Robustness of Document Layout Analysis Models

no code yet • 21 Mar 2024

To address this, we are the first to introduce a robustness benchmark for DLA models, which includes 450K document images of three datasets.

AutoIE: An Automated Framework for Information Extraction from Scientific Literature

no code yet • 30 Jan 2024

In the rapidly evolving field of scientific research, efficiently extracting key information from the burgeoning volume of scientific papers remains a formidable challenge.

U-DIADS-Bib: a full and few-shot pixel-precise dataset for document layout analysis of ancient manuscripts

no code yet • 16 Jan 2024

Document Layout Analysis, which is the task of identifying different semantic regions inside of a document page, is a subject of great interest for both computer scientists and humanities scholars as it represents a fundamental step towards further analysis tasks for the former and a powerful tool to improve and facilitate the study of the documents for the latter.

Object Recognition from Scientific Document based on Compartment Refinement Framework

no code yet • 14 Dec 2023

The lack of a comprehensive definition of the internal structure and elements of the documents indirectly impacts the accuracy of text classification and object recognition tasks.

Bengali Document Layout Analysis -- A YOLOV8 Based Ensembling Approach

no code yet • 2 Sep 2023

This paper focuses on enhancing Bengali Document Layout Analysis (DLA) using the YOLOv8 model and innovative post-processing techniques.

Document Layout Analysis on BaDLAD Dataset: A Comprehensive MViTv2 Based Approach

no code yet • 31 Aug 2023

In the rapidly evolving digital era, the analysis of document layouts plays a pivotal role in automated information extraction and interpretation.

Bengali Document Layout Analysis with Detectron2

no code yet • 26 Aug 2023

Document Layout Analysis (DLA) involves segmenting documents into meaningful units like text boxes, paragraphs, images, and tables.

The YOLO model that still excels in document layout analysis

no code yet • ResearchGate 2023

Document layout analysis can help people better understand and use the information in a document.

Performance Enhancement Leveraging Mask-RCNN on Bengali Document Layout Analysis

no code yet • 21 Aug 2023

We trained a special model called Mask R-CNN to help with this understanding.

Framework and Model Analysis on Bengali Document Layout Analysis Dataset: BaDLAD

no code yet • 15 Aug 2023

We looked at lots of different Bengali documents in our study.