EEG based sleep staging

7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Sleep staging from only EEG signal


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Most implemented papers

Uncovering the structure of clinical EEG signals with self-supervised learning

zacharycbrown/ssl_baselines_for_biosignal_feature_extraction 31 Jul 2020

Our results suggest that SSL may pave the way to a wider use of deep learning models on EEG data.

ADAST: Attentive Cross-domain EEG-based Sleep Staging Framework with Iterative Self-Training

emadeldeen24/ADAST 9 Jul 2021

Second, we design an iterative self-training strategy to improve the classification performance on the target domain via target domain pseudo labels.

Self-supervised Contrastive Learning for EEG-based Sleep Staging

xuejiang16/ssl-torch 16 Sep 2021

In detail, the network's performance depends on the choice of transformations and the amount of unlabeled data used in the training process of self-supervised learning.

A Deep Knowledge Distillation framework for EEG assisted enhancement of single-lead ECG based sleep staging

acrophase/sleep_staging_kd 14 Dec 2021

This demonstrates the viability of KD for performance improvement of single-channel ECG based sleep staging in 4-class(W-L-D-R) and 3-class(W-N-R) classification.

EEG aided boosting of single-lead ECG based sleep staging with Deep Knowledge Distillation

acrophase/sleep_staging_kd IEEE 2022

In order to take advantage of both the modalities, transferring knowledge from EEG to ECG is a reasonable approach, ultimately boosting the performance of ECG based sleep staging.

Structure-Preserving Transformers for Sequences of SPD Matrices

mathieuseraphim/spdtransnet 14 Sep 2023

In recent years, Transformer-based auto-attention mechanisms have been successfully applied to the analysis of a variety of context-reliant data types, from texts to images and beyond, including data from non-Euclidean geometries.