Face Parsing

21 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Classify pixels of a face image into different classes based on a given bounding box.

Most implemented papers

Edge-aware Graph Representation Learning and Reasoning for Face Parsing

tegusi/EAGRNet ECCV 2020

Specifically, we encode a facial image onto a global graph representation where a collection of pixels ("regions") with similar features are projected to each vertex.

Progressive Semantic-Aware Style Transformation for Blind Face Restoration

chaofengc/PSFRGAN CVPR 2021

Compared with previous networks, the proposed PSFR-GAN makes full use of the semantic (parsing maps) and pixel (LQ images) space information from different scales of input pairs.

Learning Spatial Attention for Face Super-Resolution

chaofengc/Face-SPARNet 2 Dec 2020

Visualization of the attention maps shows that our spatial attention network can capture the key face structures well even for very low resolution faces (e. g., $16\times16$).

Fully Transformer Networks for Semantic Image Segmentation

BR-IDL/PaddleViT 8 Jun 2021

Transformers have shown impressive performance in various natural language processing and computer vision tasks, due to the capability of modeling long-range dependencies.

Quality-Aware Network for Face Parsing

soeaver/QANet 14 Jun 2021

This is a very short technical report, which introduces the solution of the Team BUPT-CASIA for Short-video Face Parsing Track of The 3rd Person in Context (PIC) Workshop and Challenge at CVPR 2021.

FP-Age: Leveraging Face Parsing Attention for Facial Age Estimation in the Wild

ibug-group/fpage 21 Jun 2021

To evaluate our method on in-the-wild data, we also introduce a new challenging large-scale benchmark called IMDB-Clean.

Fake It Till You Make It: Face analysis in the wild using synthetic data alone

microsoft/FaceSynthetics ICCV 2021

We demonstrate that it is possible to perform face-related computer vision in the wild using synthetic data alone.

Decoupled Multi-task Learning with Cyclical Self-Regulation for Face Parsing

deepinsight/insightface CVPR 2022

Specifically, DML-CSR designs a multi-task model which comprises face parsing, binary edge, and category edge detection.

EasyPortrait -- Face Parsing and Portrait Segmentation Dataset

hukenovs/easyportrait 26 Apr 2023

Limited variability in existing portrait segmentation and face parsing datasets, including head poses, ethnicity, scenes, and occlusions specific to video conferencing, motivated us to create a new dataset, EasyPortrait, for these tasks simultaneously.

Toward High Quality Facial Representation Learning

nomewang/mcf 7 Sep 2023

To improve the facial representation quality, we use feature map of a pre-trained visual backbone as a supervision item and use a partially pre-trained decoder for mask image modeling.