Facial Inpainting
24 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 5 datasets
Facial inpainting (or face completion) is the task of generating plausible facial structures for missing pixels in a face image.
( Image credit: SymmFCNet )
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SC-FEGAN: Face Editing Generative Adversarial Network with User's Sketch and Color
We present a novel image editing system that generates images as the user provides free-form mask, sketch and color as an input.
Image Fine-grained Inpainting
Besides, we devise a geometrical alignment constraint item to compensate for the pixel-based distance between prediction features and ground-truth ones.
Generative Face Completion
In this paper, we propose an effective face completion algorithm using a deep generative model.
Reference-Guided Large-Scale Face Inpainting with Identity and Texture Control
To introduce strong control for face inpainting, we propose a novel reference-guided face inpainting method that fills the large-scale missing region with identity and texture control guided by a reference face image.
PATMAT: Person Aware Tuning of Mask-Aware Transformer for Face Inpainting
By using ~40 reference images, PATMAT creates anchor points in MAT's style module, and tunes the model using the fixed anchors to adapt the model to a new face identity.
E4S: Fine-grained Face Swapping via Editing With Regional GAN Inversion
Based on this disentanglement, face swapping can be simplified as style and mask swapping.
E2F-Net: Eyes-to-Face Inpainting via StyleGAN Latent Space
We further improve the StyleGAN output to find the optimal code in the latent space using a new optimization for GAN inversion technique.
ABANet: Attention boundary-aware network for image segmentation
Our dataset of masked faces with mask region labels and source code will be available online.
Learning Symmetry Consistent Deep CNNs for Face Completion
As for missing pixels on both of half-faces, we present a generative reconstruction subnet together with a perceptual symmetry loss to enforce symmetry consistency of recovered structures.
Detecting Overfitting of Deep Generative Networks via Latent Recovery
Using this methodology, this paper shows that overfitting is not detectable in the pure GAN models proposed in the literature, in contrast with those using hybrid adversarial losses, which are amongst the most widely applied generative methods.