Facial Inpainting

22 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Facial inpainting (or face completion) is the task of generating plausible facial structures for missing pixels in a face image.

( Image credit: SymmFCNet )


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Most implemented papers

FCSR-GAN: Joint Face Completion and Super-resolution via Multi-task Learning

swordcheng/FCSR-GAN 4 Nov 2019

Combined variations containing low-resolution and occlusion often present in face images in the wild, e. g., under the scenario of video surveillance.

LaFIn: Generative Landmark Guided Face Inpainting

YaN9-Y/lafin 26 Nov 2019

It is challenging to inpaint face images in the wild, due to the large variation of appearance, such as different poses, expressions and occlusions.

Do Inpainting Yourself: Generative Facial Inpainting Guided by Exemplars

LonglongaaaGo/EXE-GAN 13 Feb 2022

We introduce a novel attribute similarity metric to encourage networks to learn the style of facial attributes from the exemplar in a self-supervised way.

Non-Deterministic Face Mask Removal Based On 3D Priors

face3d0725/face_de_mask 20 Feb 2022

This paper presents a novel image inpainting framework for face mask removal.

HiMFR: A Hybrid Masked Face Recognition Through Face Inpainting

mdhosen/himfr 19 Sep 2022

Inspired by the recent image inpainting methods, we propose an end-to-end hybrid masked face recognition system, namely HiMFR, consisting of three significant parts: masked face detector, face inpainting, and face recognition.

Masked Face Inpainting Through Residual Attention UNet

mdhosen/mask-face-inpainting-using-residual-attention-unet 19 Sep 2022

Realistic image restoration with high texture areas such as removing face masks is challenging.

Conffusion: Confidence Intervals for Diffusion Models

eliahuhorwitz/conffusion 17 Nov 2022

Diffusion models have become the go-to method for many generative tasks, particularly for image-to-image generation tasks such as super-resolution and inpainting.

SFI-Swin: Symmetric Face Inpainting with Swin Transformer by Distinctly Learning Face Components Distributions

mohammadrezanaderi4/sfi-swin 9 Jan 2023

None of the powerful existing models can fill out the missing parts of an image while considering the symmetry and homogeneity of the picture.

Reference Guided Image Inpainting using Facial Attributes

Stillrot/RGINP 19 Jan 2023

Image inpainting is a technique of completing missing pixels such as occluded region restoration, distracting objects removal, and facial completion.

Compensation Sampling for Improved Convergence in Diffusion Models

hotfinda/Compensation-sampling 11 Dec 2023

We argue that the denoising process is crucially limited by an accumulation of the reconstruction error due to an initial inaccurate reconstruction of the target data.