
3 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Relay Hindsight Experience Replay: Self-Guided Continual Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Object Manipulation Tasks with Sparse Rewards

kaixindelele/RHER 1 Aug 2022

To solve these tasks efficiently, we propose a novel self-guided continual RL framework, RelayHER (RHER).

AACHER: Assorted Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement Learning with Hindsight Experience Replay

aralab-unr/multi-actor-critic-ddpg-with-aubo 24 Oct 2022

Since actor and critic learning plays a significant role in the overall robot's learning, the performance of the DDPG approach is relatively sensitive and unstable as a result.

RoMo-HER: Robust Model-based Hindsight Experience Replay

kaixindelele/RHER 28 Jun 2023

In our paper, we design a robust framework called Robust Model-based Hindsight Experience Replay (RoMo-HER) which can effectively utilize the dynamical model in robot manipulation environments to enhance the sample efficiency.