Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

29 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 5 datasets

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Multi-branch and Multi-scale Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

ZF1044404254/TBMSL-Net 20 Mar 2020

Therefore, our multi-branch and multi-scale learning network(MMAL-Net) has good classification ability and robustness for images of different scales.

iCassava 2019 Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Challenge

dcpatton/cassava_disease_classification 8 Aug 2019

Viral diseases are major sources of poor yields for cassava, the 2nd largest provider of carbohydrates in Africa. At least 80% of small-holder farmer households in Sub-Saharan Africa grow cassava.

The Plant Pathology 2020 challenge dataset to classify foliar disease of apples

boyiliee/sitta 24 Apr 2020

Appropriate and timely deployment of disease management depends on early disease detection.

Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset

tensorflow/tpu ECCV 2020

In this work we explore the task of instance segmentation with attribute localization, which unifies instance segmentation (detect and segment each object instance) and fine-grained visual attribute categorization (recognize one or multiple attributes).

VegFru: A Domain-Specific Dataset for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

ustc-vim/vegfru ICCV 2017

While the existing datasets for FGVC are mainly focused on animal breeds or man-made objects with limited labelled data, VegFru is a larger dataset consisting of vegetables and fruits which are closely associated with the daily life of everyone.

Fine-Grained Visual Categorization using Meta-Learning Optimization with Sample Selection of Auxiliary Data

YBZh/MetaFGNet ECCV 2018

Fine-grained visual categorization (FGVC) is challenging due in part to the fact that it is often difficult to acquire an enough number of training samples.

Classification-Specific Parts for Improving Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

DiKorsch/l1_parts 16 Sep 2019

Fine-grained visual categorization is a classification task for distinguishing categories with high intra-class and small inter-class variance.

Attention Convolutional Binary Neural Tree for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

FlyingMoon-GitHub/ACNet CVPR 2020

Specifically, we incorporate convolutional operations along edges of the tree structure, and use the routing functions in each node to determine the root-to-leaf computational paths within the tree.

Feathers dataset for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

feathers-dataset/feathersv1-dataset 18 Apr 2020

This paper introduces a novel dataset FeatherV1, containing 28, 272 images of feathers categorized by 595 bird species.

Fine-grained Visual-textual Representation Learning

PKU-ICST-MIPL/OPAM_TIP2018 31 Aug 2017

As is known to all, when we describe the object of an image via textual descriptions, we mainly focus on the pivotal characteristics, and rarely pay attention to common characteristics as well as the background areas.