Image Cropping

35 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Image Cropping is a common photo manipulation process, which improves the overall composition by removing unwanted regions. Image Cropping is widely used in photographic, film processing, graphic design, and printing businesses.

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2 papers

Most implemented papers

IDA: Improved Data Augmentation Applied to Salient Object Detection

VRI-UFPR/IDA 18 Sep 2020

Combining our method with others surpasses traditional techniques such as horizontal-flip in 0. 52% for F-measure and 1. 19% for Precision.

A survey on Kornia: an Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch

kornia/kornia 21 Sep 2020

This work presents Kornia, an open source computer vision library built upon a set of differentiable routines and modules that aims to solve generic computer vision problems.

Towards Resolving the Challenge of Long-tail Distribution in UAV Images for Object Detection

we1pingyu/DSHNet 7 Nov 2020

To this end, we rethink long-tailed object detection in UAV images and propose the Dual Sampler and Head detection Network (DSHNet), which is the first work that aims to resolve long-tail distribution in UAV images.

Dissecting Image Crops

basilevh/dissecting-image-crops ICCV 2021

The elementary operation of cropping underpins nearly every computer vision system, ranging from data augmentation and translation invariance to computational photography and representation learning.

Salient Object Ranking with Position-Preserved Attention

EricFH/salient_object_ranking_with_PPA ICCV 2021

In this paper, we study the Salient Object Ranking (SOR) task, which manages to assign a ranking order of each detected object according to its visual saliency.

Composing Photos Like a Photographer

bo-zhang-cs/CACNet-Pytorch CVPR 2021

To this end, we introduce the concept of the key composition map (KCM) to encode the composition rules.

Looking Outside the Window: Wide-Context Transformer for the Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

ggsDing/WiCoNet 29 Jun 2021

To overcome this limitation, we propose a Wide-Context Network (WiCoNet) for the semantic segmentation of HR RSIs.

From Image to Imuge: Immunized Image Generation

yingqichao/From-Image-to-Imuge-Immunized-Image-Generation 27 Oct 2021

At the recipient's side, the verifying network localizes the malicious modifications, and the original content can be approximately recovered by the decoder, despite the presence of the attacks.

AugStatic - A Light-Weight Image Augmentation Library

avs-abhishek123/AugStatic Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 2022

AugStatic is a custom-built image augmentation library with lower computation costs and more extraordinary salient features compared to other image augmentation libraries.