Image Relighting

25 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Image relighting involves changing the illumination settings of an image.


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Most implemented papers

Scale-recurrent Network for Deep Image Deblurring

jiangsutx/SRN-Deblur CVPR 2018

In single image deblurring, the "coarse-to-fine" scheme, i. e. gradually restoring the sharp image on different resolutions in a pyramid, is very successful in both traditional optimization-based methods and recent neural-network-based approaches.

NTIRE 2021 Depth Guided Image Relighting Challenge

majedelhelou/VIDIT 27 Apr 2021

In this paper, we review the NTIRE 2021 depth guided image relighting challenge.

VIDIT: Virtual Image Dataset for Illumination Transfer

majedelhelou/VIDIT 11 May 2020

Deep image relighting is gaining more interest lately, as it allows photo enhancement through illumination-specific retouching without human effort.

AIM 2020: Scene Relighting and Illumination Estimation Challenge

majedelhelou/VIDIT 27 Sep 2020

The first track considered one-to-one relighting; the objective was to relight an input photo of a scene with a different color temperature and illuminant orientation (i. e., light source position).

Multi-modal Bifurcated Network for Depth Guided Image Relighting

weitingchen83/NTIRE2021-Depth-Guided-Image-Relighting-MBNet 3 May 2021

This model extracts the image and the depth features by the bifurcated network in the encoder.

Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images

NVlabs/nvdiffrec CVPR 2022

We present an efficient method for joint optimization of topology, materials and lighting from multi-view image observations.

Local Relighting of Real Scenes

audreycui/relight 6 Jul 2022

We introduce the task of local relighting, which changes a photograph of a scene by switching on and off the light sources that are visible within the image.

0.5 Petabyte Simulation of a 45-Qubit Quantum Circuit

quantumlib/qsim 4 Apr 2017

Near-term quantum computers will soon reach sizes that are challenging to directly simulate, even when employing the most powerful supercomputers.

GridDehazeNet: Attention-Based Multi-Scale Network for Image Dehazing

proteus1991/GridDehazeNet ICCV 2019

The proposed hazing method does not rely on the atmosphere scattering model, and we provide an explanation as to why it is not necessarily beneficial to take advantage of the dimension reduction offered by the atmosphere scattering model for image dehazing, even if only the dehazing results on synthetic images are concerned.

Scene relighting with illumination estimation in the latent space on an encoder-decoder scheme

martin-ev/2DSceneRelighting 3 Jun 2020

The image relighting task of transferring illumination conditions between two images offers an interesting and difficult challenge with potential applications in photography, cinematography and computer graphics.