Intrinsic Image Decomposition

21 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Intrinsic Image Decomposition is the process of separating an image into its formation components such as reflectance (albedo) and shading (illumination). Reflectance is the color of the object, invariant to camera viewpoint and illumination conditions, whereas shading, dependent on camera viewpoint and object geometry, consists of different illumination effects, such as shadows, shading and inter-reflections. Using intrinsic images, instead of the original images, can be beneficial for many computer vision algorithms. For instance, for shape-from-shading algorithms, the shading images contain important visual cues to recover geometry, while for segmentation and detection algorithms, reflectance images can be beneficial as they are independent of confounding illumination effects. Furthermore, intrinsic images are used in a wide range of computational photography applications, such as material recoloring, relighting, retexturing and stylization.

Source: CNN based Learning using Reflection and Retinex Models for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

Most implemented papers

Intrinsic Image Transfer for Illumination Manipulation

QingXin96/Intrinsic_image_transfer 1 Jul 2021

We illustrate that all losses can be reduced without the necessity of taking an intrinsic image decomposition under the well-known spatial-varying illumination illumination-invariant reflectance prior knowledge.

Complementary Feature Enhanced Network with Vision Transformer for Image Dehazing

phoenixtreesky7/cfen-vit-dehazing 15 Sep 2021

In this paper, firstly, we propose a new complementary feature enhanced framework, in which the complementary features are learned by several complementary subtasks and then together serve to boost the performance of the primary task.

Illumination-Aware Image Quality Assessment for Enhanced Low-light Image

mindspore-ai/contrib PRCV 2021 2021

To reduce the overshoot effects of LIE, this paper proposes an illumination-aware image quality assessment, called LIE-IQA, for the enhanced low-light images.

PIE-Net: Photometric Invariant Edge Guided Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition

Morpheus3000/PIE-Net CVPR 2022

An extensive ablation study and large scale experiments are conducted showing that it is beneficial for edge-driven hybrid IID networks to make use of illumination invariant descriptors and that separating global and local cues helps in improving the performance of the network.

Creating a Forensic Database of Shoeprints from Online Shoe Tread Photos

samia067/shoerinsics 4 May 2022

We develop a method termed ShoeRinsics that learns to predict depth by leveraging a mix of fully supervised synthetic data and unsupervised retail image data.

SIGNet: Intrinsic Image Decomposition by a Semantic and Invariant Gradient Driven Network for Indoor Scenes

morpheus3000/signet 30 Aug 2022

An ablation study is conducted showing that the use of the proposed priors and progressive CNN increase the IID performance.

Estimating Reflectance Layer from A Single Image: Integrating Reflectance Guidance and Shadow/Specular Aware Learning

jinyeying/S-Aware-network 27 Nov 2022

To further enforce the reflectance layer to be independent of shadows and specularities in the second-stage refinement, we introduce an S-Aware network that distinguishes the reflectance image from the input image.

Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition with LiDAR Intensity

ntthilab-cv/NTT-intrinsic-dataset CVPR 2023

Intrinsic image decomposition (IID) is the task that decomposes a natural image into albedo and shade.

DPF: Learning Dense Prediction Fields with Weak Supervision

cxx226/dpf CVPR 2023

We showcase the effectiveness of DPFs using two substantially different tasks: high-level semantic parsing and low-level intrinsic image decomposition.

Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Point Cloud Representation

xyxingx/point-net 20 Jul 2023

The purpose of intrinsic decomposition is to separate an image into its albedo (reflective properties) and shading components (illumination properties).