Lesion Classification

52 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 7 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Automated Skin Lesion Classification Using Ensemble of Deep Neural Networks in ISIC 2018: Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection Challenge

miltonbd/ISIC_2018_classification 30 Jan 2019

In this paper, we studied extensively on different deep learning based methods to detect melanoma and skin lesion cancers.

FIBA: Frequency-Injection based Backdoor Attack in Medical Image Analysis

hazardfy/fiba CVPR 2022

However, designing a unified BA method that can be applied to various MIA systems is challenging due to the diversity of imaging modalities (e. g., X-Ray, CT, and MRI) and analysis tasks (e. g., classification, detection, and segmentation).

Incorporating the Knowledge of Dermatologists to Convolutional Neural Networks for the Diagnosis of Skin Lesions

igondia/matconvnet-dermoscopy 6 Mar 2017

This report describes our submission to the ISIC 2017 Challenge in Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection.

Detecting Melanoma Fairly: Skin Tone Detection and Debiasing for Skin Lesion Classification

pbevan1/detecting-melanoma-fairly 6 Feb 2022

Convolutional Neural Networks have demonstrated human-level performance in the classification of melanoma and other skin lesions, but evident performance disparities between differing skin tones should be addressed before widespread deployment.

A New Dataset and A Baseline Model for Breast Lesion Detection in Ultrasound Videos

jhl-det/cva-net 1 Jul 2022

Moreover, we learn video-level features to classify the breast lesions of the original video as benign or malignant lesions to further enhance the final breast lesion detection performance in ultrasound videos.

FairDisCo: Fairer AI in Dermatology via Disentanglement Contrastive Learning

siyi-wind/FairDisCo 22 Aug 2022

Deep learning models have achieved great success in automating skin lesion diagnosis.

Image Classification of Melanoma, Nevus and Seborrheic Keratosis by Deep Neural Network Ensemble

Abdulrahman-Adel/Skin-Cancer-Detection 9 Mar 2017

This short paper reports the method and the evaluation results of Casio and Shinshu University joint team for the ISBI Challenge 2017 - Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection - Part 3: Lesion Classification hosted by ISIC.

WonDerM: Skin Lesion Classification with Fine-tuned Neural Networks

YeongChanLee/WonDerM_ISIC2018_SkinLesionAnalysis 10 Aug 2018

As skin cancer is one of the most frequent cancers globally, accurate, non-invasive dermoscopy-based diagnosis becomes essential and promising.

A Mutual Bootstrapping Model for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification

YtongXie/MB-DCNN 8 Mar 2019

Our results suggest that it is possible to boost the performance of skin lesion segmentation and classification simultaneously via training a unified model to perform both tasks in a mutual bootstrapping way.

Skin Lesion Classification Using CNNs with Patch-Based Attention and Diagnosis-Guided Loss Weighting

ngessert/patch-lesion 7 May 2019

The first problem is the effective use of high-resolution images with pretrained standard architectures for image classification.