Medical Diagnosis

154 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 15 datasets

Medical Diagnosis is the process of identifying the disease a patient is affected by, based on the assessment of specific risk factors, signs, symptoms and results of exams.

Source: A probabilistic network for the diagnosis of acute cardiopulmonary diseases

Most implemented papers

Automated Model Design and Benchmarking of 3D Deep Learning Models for COVID-19 Detection with Chest CT Scans

marsggbo/CovidNet3D 14 Jan 2021

The experimental results show that our automatically searched models (CovidNet3D) outperform the baseline human-designed models on the three datasets with tens of times smaller model size and higher accuracy.

SKID: Self-Supervised Learning for Knee Injury Diagnosis from MRI Data

sadimanna/skid 21 Apr 2021

The downstream task in our paper is a class imbalanced multi-label classification.

Medical Profile Model: Scientific and Practical Applications in Healthcare

sberbank-ai-lab/mimic.profile 21 Jun 2021

The paper researches the problem of representation learning for electronic health records.

Learning Optimal Conformal Classifiers

deepmind/conformal_training ICLR 2022

However, using CP as a separate processing step after training prevents the underlying model from adapting to the prediction of confidence sets.

RuMedBench: A Russian Medical Language Understanding Benchmark

pavel-blinov/RuMedBench 17 Jan 2022

The paper describes the open Russian medical language understanding benchmark covering several task types (classification, question answering, natural language inference, named entity recognition) on a number of novel text sets.

Reasoning with Language Model Prompting: A Survey

zjunlp/Prompt4ReasoningPapers 19 Dec 2022

Reasoning, as an essential ability for complex problem-solving, can provide back-end support for various real-world applications, such as medical diagnosis, negotiation, etc.

M$^{2}$SNet: Multi-scale in Multi-scale Subtraction Network for Medical Image Segmentation

xiaoqi-zhao-dlut/msnet 20 Mar 2023

Next, we expand the single-scale SU to the intra-layer multi-scale SU, which can provide the decoder with both pixel-level and structure-level difference information.

Adversarial Feature Map Pruning for Backdoor

retsuh-bqw/fmp 21 Jul 2023

Unlike existing defense strategies, which focus on reproducing backdoor triggers, FMP attempts to prune backdoor feature maps, which are trained to extract backdoor information from inputs.

Enhancing Network Initialization for Medical AI Models Using Large-Scale, Unlabeled Natural Images

tayebiarasteh/vit-med 15 Aug 2023

In this study, we explored if SSL for pre-training on non-medical images can be applied to chest radiographs and how it compares to supervised pre-training on non-medical images and on medical images.

Generating Progressive Images from Pathological Transitions via Diffusion Model

rowerliu/adbd 21 Nov 2023

Deep learning is widely applied in computer-aided pathological diagnosis, which alleviates the pathologist workload and provide timely clinical analysis.