
1 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Deep-learning-based on-chip rapid spectral imaging with high spatial resolution

no code yet • 16 Jan 2023

Spectral imaging extends the concept of traditional color cameras to capture images across multiple spectral channels and has broad application prospects.

Polarimetric Spatio-Temporal Light Transport Probing

no code yet • 25 May 2021

This allows us, for the first time, to decompose scene light transport into temporal, spatial, and complete polarimetric dimensions that unveil scene properties hidden to conventional methods.

Statistical properties of color matching functions

no code yet • 4 Jul 2020

In trichromats, color vision entails the projection of an infinite-dimensional space (the one containing all possible electromagnetic power spectra) onto the 3-dimensional space that modulates the activity of the three types of cones.

Generating Reflectance Curves from sRGB Triplets

no code yet • 11 Oct 2017

The converse process of computing a reflectance curve given the color-space values and the illuminant is complicated by the fact that an infinite number of different reflectance curves can give rise to a single set of color-space values (metamerism).