Mistake Detection

2 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Mistakes are natural occurrences in many tasks and an opportunity for an AR assistant to provide help. Identifying such mistakes requires modelling procedural knowledge and retaining long-range sequence information. In its simplest form Mistake Detection aims to classify each coarse action segment into one of the three classes: {“correct”, “mistake”, “correction”}.

Most implemented papers

Assembly101: A Large-Scale Multi-View Video Dataset for Understanding Procedural Activities

assembly101/assembly101.github.io CVPR 2022

Assembly101 is a new procedural activity dataset featuring 4321 videos of people assembling and disassembling 101 "take-apart" toy vehicles.

PREGO: online mistake detection in PRocedural EGOcentric videos

aleflabo/prego 2 Apr 2024

We propose PREGO, the first online one-class classification model for mistake detection in PRocedural EGOcentric videos.