molecular representation

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A Systematic Survey of Chemical Pre-trained Models

junxia97/awesome-pretrain-on-molecules 29 Oct 2022

Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in learning representations for molecules, which is crucial for various biochemical applications, ranging from property prediction to drug design.

MUBen: Benchmarking the Uncertainty of Molecular Representation Models

Yinghao-Li/UncertaintyBenchmark 14 Jun 2023

While some studies have included UQ to improve molecular pre-trained models, the process of selecting suitable backbone and UQ methods for reliable molecular uncertainty estimation remains underexplored.

Can Large Language Models Understand Molecules?

sshaghayeghs/llama-vs-gpt 5 Jan 2024

Notably, LLaMA-based SMILES embeddings show results comparable to pre-trained models on SMILES in molecular prediction tasks and outperform the pre-trained models for the DDI prediction tasks.

The Role of Model Architecture and Scale in Predicting Molecular Properties: Insights from Fine-Tuning RoBERTa, BART, and LLaMA

BrightBlueCheese/transformers_and_chemistry 2 May 2024

However, we observed that absolute validation loss is not a definitive indicator of model performance - contradicts previous research - at least for fine-tuning tasks: instead, model size plays a crucial role.

MolTrans: Molecular Interaction Transformer for Drug Target Interaction Prediction

kexinhuang12345/MolTrans 23 Apr 2020

Drug target interaction (DTI) prediction is a foundational task for in silico drug discovery, which is costly and time-consuming due to the need of experimental search over large drug compound space.

Multi-View Self-Attention for Interpretable Drug-Target Interaction Prediction

bbrighttaer/jova_baselines 1 May 2020

In this study, we propose a self-attention-based multi-view representation learning approach for modeling drug-target interactions.

Physics-Constrained Predictive Molecular Latent Space Discovery with Graph Scattering Variational Autoencoder

zabaras/GSVAE 29 Sep 2020

In this work, we assess the predictive capabilities of a molecular generative model developed based on variational inference and graph theory in the small data regime.

TrimNet: learning molecular representation from triplet messages for biomedicine

yvquanli/TrimNet 4 Nov 2020

These advantages have established TrimNet as a powerful and useful computational tool in solving the challenging problem of molecular representation learning.

Ollivier persistent Ricci curvature (OPRC) based molecular representation for drug design

ExpectozJJ/Persistent-Ollivier-Ricci-Curvature 20 Nov 2020

Persistence and variation of Ollivier Ricci curvatures on these nested graphs are defined as Ollivier persistent Ricci curvature.

Few-Shot Graph Learning for Molecular Property Prediction

zhichunguo/Meta-MGNN 16 Feb 2021

The recent success of graph neural networks has significantly boosted molecular property prediction, advancing activities such as drug discovery.