Multi-Domain Recommender Systems

5 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Recommendations in a Multi-Domain Setting: Adapting for Customization, Scalability and Real-Time Performance

no code yet • 2 Mar 2022

In this industry talk at ECIR'2022, we illustrate how to build a modern recommender system that can serve recommendations in real-time for a diverse set of application domains.

A Novel Hybrid Sequential Model for Review-based Rating Prediction

no code yet • Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2019) 2019

Nowadays, the online interactions between users and items become diverse, and may include textual reviews as well as numerical ratings.

Domain-to-Domain Translation Model for Recommender System

no code yet • 15 Dec 2018

To handle the two problems, we propose a model that can extract both homogeneous and divergent features among domains and extract data in a domain can support for other domain equally: a so-called Domain-to-Domain Translation Model (D2D-TM).