Multi-View 3D Shape Retrieval

2 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Due to advancements in infrastructural modulations, architectural design is one of the most peculiar and tedious processes.

Gram Regularization for Multi-view 3D Shape Retrieval

no code yet • 16 Nov 2020

To make up the gap, in this paper, we propose a novel regularization term called Gram regularization which reinforces the learning ability of the network by encouraging the weight kernels to extract different information on the corresponding feature map.

Angular Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-view 3D Shape Retrieval

no code yet • 21 Nov 2018

How to obtain the desirable representation of a 3D shape, which is discriminative across categories and polymerized within classes, is a significant challenge in 3D shape retrieval.