Music Classification
21 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 9 datasets
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Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Classification
We introduce a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) for music tagging.
Sample-level Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Auto-tagging Using Raw Waveforms
Recently, the end-to-end approach that learns hierarchical representations from raw data using deep convolutional neural networks has been successfully explored in the image, text and speech domains.
Transfer learning for music classification and regression tasks
In this paper, we present a transfer learning approach for music classification and regression tasks.
Toward Universal Text-to-Music Retrieval
This paper introduces effective design choices for text-to-music retrieval systems.
Word-level Embeddings for Cross-Task Transfer Learning in Speech Processing
Recent breakthroughs in deep learning often rely on representation learning and knowledge transfer.
CLaMP: Contrastive Language-Music Pre-training for Cross-Modal Symbolic Music Information Retrieval
We introduce CLaMP: Contrastive Language-Music Pre-training, which learns cross-modal representations between natural language and symbolic music using a music encoder and a text encoder trained jointly with a contrastive loss.
Pre-training Music Classification Models via Music Source Separation
In this paper, we study whether music source separation can be used as a pre-training strategy for music representation learning, targeted at music classification tasks.
Explaining Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Music Classification
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been actively adopted in the field of music information retrieval, e. g. genre classification, mood detection, and chord recognition.
Multi-Level and Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Using Sample-level Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Music Classification
Music tag words that describe music audio by text have different levels of abstraction.
Zero-shot Learning for Audio-based Music Classification and Tagging
Audio-based music classification and tagging is typically based on categorical supervised learning with a fixed set of labels.