Music Tagging

19 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Classification

keunwoochoi/icassp_2017 14 Sep 2016

We introduce a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) for music tagging.

Automatic tagging using deep convolutional neural networks

keunwoochoi/music-auto_tagging-keras 1 Jun 2016

We present a content-based automatic music tagging algorithm using fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs).

Transfer learning for music classification and regression tasks

keunwoochoi/transfer_learning_music 27 Mar 2017

In this paper, we present a transfer learning approach for music classification and regression tasks.

audioLIME: Listenable Explanations Using Source Separation

CPJKU/audioLIME 2 Aug 2020

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are successfully applied in a wide variety of music information retrieval (MIR) tasks but their predictions are usually not interpretable.

A Comparison of Audio Signal Preprocessing Methods for Deep Neural Networks on Music Tagging

GorillaBus/urban-audio-classifier 6 Sep 2017

In this paper, we empirically investigate the effect of audio preprocessing on music tagging with deep neural networks.

Multimodal Metric Learning for Tag-based Music Retrieval

minzwon/tag-based-music-retrieval 30 Oct 2020

In this paper, we investigate three ideas to successfully introduce multimodal metric learning for tag-based music retrieval: elaborate triplet sampling, acoustic and cultural music information, and domain-specific word embeddings.

Melon Playlist Dataset: a public dataset for audio-based playlist generation and music tagging

andrebola/icassp2021 30 Jan 2021

We present Melon Playlist Dataset, a public dataset of mel-spectrograms for 649, 091tracks and 148, 826 associated playlists annotated by 30, 652 different tags.

A Modulation Front-End for Music Audio Tagging

rastegah/modnet 25 May 2021

Modulation filter bank representations that have been actively researched as a basis for timbre perception have the potential to facilitate the extraction of perceptually salient features.

Codified audio language modeling learns useful representations for music information retrieval

p-lambda/jukemir 12 Jul 2021

Relative to representations from conventional MIR models which are pre-trained on tagging, we find that using representations from Jukebox as input features yields 30% stronger performance on average across four MIR tasks: tagging, genre classification, emotion recognition, and key detection.

Unsupervised Source Separation By Steering Pretrained Music Models

ethman/tagbox 25 Oct 2021

We showcase an unsupervised method that repurposes deep models trained for music generation and music tagging for audio source separation, without any retraining.