Negation Detection

12 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Negation detection is the task of identifying negation cues in text.


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Latest papers with no code

Revisiting subword tokenization: A case study on affixal negation in large language models

no code yet • 3 Apr 2024

In this work, we measure the impact of affixal negation on modern English large language models (LLMs).

Effective Matching of Patients to Clinical Trials using Entity Extraction and Neural Re-ranking

no code yet • 1 Jul 2023

Our approach involves two key components in a pipeline-based model: (i) a data enrichment technique for enhancing both queries and documents during the first retrieval stage, and (ii) a novel re-ranking schema that uses a Transformer network in a setup adapted to this task by leveraging the structure of the CT documents.

A negation detection assessment of GPTs: analysis with the xNot360 dataset

no code yet • 29 Jun 2023

Negation is a fundamental aspect of natural language, playing a critical role in communication and comprehension.

A Semantic Approach to Negation Detection and Word Disambiguation with Natural Language Processing

no code yet • 5 Feb 2023

This study aims to demonstrate the methods for detecting negations in a sentence by uniquely evaluating the lexical structure of the text via word-sense disambiguation.

Improving negation detection with negation-focused pre-training

no code yet • NAACL 2022

Negation is a common linguistic feature that is crucial in many language understanding tasks, yet it remains a hard problem due to diversity in its expression in different types of text.

Improving negation detection with negation-focused pre-training

no code yet • ACL ARR January 2022

Negation is a common linguistic feature that is crucial in many language understanding tasks, yet it remains a hard problem due to diversity in its expression in different types of text.

Flat and Nested Negation and Uncertainty Detection with PubMed BERT

no code yet • ACL ARR December 2022

We present a new negation detection dataset in two versions from clinical publications.

Scope resolution of predicted negation cues: A two-step neural network-based approach

no code yet • 15 Sep 2021

We advocate for more research into the application of deep learning on negation detection and the effect of imperfect information on scope resolution.

IITK at SemEval-2021 Task 10: Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Class Prototypes

no code yet • SEMEVAL 2021

To tackle this issue of availability of annotated data, a lot of research has been done on unsupervised domain adaptation that tries to generate systems for an unlabelled target domain data, given labeled source domain data.

The University of Arizona at SemEval-2021 Task 10: Applying Self-training, Active Learning and Data Augmentation to Source-free Domain Adaptation

no code yet • SEMEVAL 2021

This paper describes our systems for negation detection and time expression recognition in SemEval 2021 Task 10, Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Semantic Processing.