News Classification

27 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 11 datasets

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Improving Black-box Robustness with In-Context Rewriting

kyle1668/llm-tta 13 Feb 2024

Most techniques for improving OOD robustness are not applicable to settings where the model is effectively a black box, such as when the weights are frozen, retraining is costly, or the model is leveraged via an API.

13 Feb 2024

Accuracy of TextFooler black box adversarial attacks on 01 loss sign activation neural network ensemble

xyzacademic/mlp01example 12 Feb 2024

We ask the following question in this study: are 01 loss sign activation neural networks hard to deceive with a popular black box text adversarial attack program called TextFooler?

12 Feb 2024

InterpretCC: Conditional Computation for Inherently Interpretable Neural Networks

epfl-ml4ed/interpretcc 5 Feb 2024

Real-world interpretability for neural networks is a tradeoff between three concerns: 1) it requires humans to trust the explanation approximation (e. g. post-hoc approaches), 2) it compromises the understandability of the explanation (e. g. automatically identified feature masks), and 3) it compromises the model performance (e. g. decision trees).

05 Feb 2024

Benchmarking Multilabel Topic Classification in the Kyrgyz Language

alexeyev/kyrgyz-multi-label-topic-classification 30 Aug 2023

Kyrgyz is a very underrepresented language in terms of modern natural language processing resources.

30 Aug 2023

A Dataset and Strong Baselines for Classification of Czech News Texts

hynky1999/czech-news-classification-dataset 20 Jul 2023

Pre-trained models for Czech Natural Language Processing are often evaluated on purely linguistic tasks (POS tagging, parsing, NER) and relatively simple classification tasks such as sentiment classification or article classification from a single news source.

20 Jul 2023

MasakhaNEWS: News Topic Classification for African languages

masakhane-io/masakhane-news 19 Apr 2023

Furthermore, we explore several alternatives to full fine-tuning of language models that are better suited for zero-shot and few-shot learning such as cross-lingual parameter-efficient fine-tuning (like MAD-X), pattern exploiting training (PET), prompting language models (like ChatGPT), and prompt-free sentence transformer fine-tuning (SetFit and Cohere Embedding API).

19 Apr 2023

Classifying the Ideological Orientation of User-Submitted Texts in Social Media

ADCLab/RedditIdeologyDB IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2022

With the long-term goal of understanding how language is used and evolves within online communities, this work explores the application of natural language processing techniques to classify text articles according to their ideological orientation (i. e., conservative or liberal).

12 Dec 2022

Wild-Time: A Benchmark of in-the-Wild Distribution Shift over Time

huaxiuyao/wild-time 25 Nov 2022

Temporal shifts -- distribution shifts arising from the passage of time -- often occur gradually and have the additional structure of timestamp metadata.

25 Nov 2022

Multiverse: Multilingual Evidence for Fake News Detection

s-nlp/multilingual-fake-news 25 Nov 2022

In this work, we propose Multiverse -- a new feature based on multilingual evidence that can be used for fake news detection and improve existing approaches.

25 Nov 2022

Astock: A New Dataset and Automated Stock Trading based on Stock-specific News Analyzing Model

jinanzou/astock 14 Jun 2022

In addition, we propose a self-supervised learning strategy based on SRLP to enhance the out-of-distribution generalization performance of our system.

14 Jun 2022