Normalising Flows

22 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Robust model training and generalisation with Studentising flows

simonalexanderson/StyleGestures 11 Jun 2020

Normalising flows are tractable probabilistic models that leverage the power of deep learning to describe a wide parametric family of distributions, all while remaining trainable using maximum likelihood.

Latent Transformations for Discrete-Data Normalising Flows

robdhess/Latent-DNFs 11 Jun 2020

Normalising flows (NFs) for discrete data are challenging because parameterising bijective transformations of discrete variables requires predicting discrete/integer parameters.

NanoFlow: Scalable Normalizing Flows with Sublinear Parameter Complexity

L0SG/NanoFlow NeurIPS 2020

Normalizing flows (NFs) have become a prominent method for deep generative models that allow for an analytic probability density estimation and efficient synthesis.

Learning the Prediction Distribution for Semi-Supervised Learning with Normalising Flows

ibalazevic/lp-ssl 6 Jul 2020

In this work, we propose a probabilistically principled general approach to SSL that considers the distribution over label predictions, for labels of different complexity, from "one-hot" vectors to binary vectors and images.

Sinusoidal Flow: A Fast Invertible Autoregressive Flow

weiyumou/ldu-flow 26 Oct 2021

Normalising flows offer a flexible way of modelling continuous probability distributions.

Bootstrap Your Flow

lollcat/FAB-2021 pproximateinference AABI Symposium 2022

Normalizing flows are flexible, parameterized distributions that can be used to approximate expectations from intractable distributions via importance sampling.

Variational Gibbs Inference for Statistical Model Estimation from Incomplete Data

vsimkus/variational-gibbs-inference NeurIPS 2023

We address this gap by introducing variational Gibbs inference (VGI), a new general-purpose method to estimate the parameters of statistical models from incomplete data.

HuManiFlow: Ancestor-Conditioned Normalising Flows on SO(3) Manifolds for Human Pose and Shape Distribution Estimation

akashsengupta1997/humaniflow CVPR 2023

Monocular 3D human pose and shape estimation is an ill-posed problem since multiple 3D solutions can explain a 2D image of a subject.

Decorrelation using Optimal Transport

malteal/ot-decorrelation 11 Jul 2023

Being able to decorrelate a feature space from protected attributes is an area of active research and study in ethics, fairness, and also natural sciences.

NEnv: Neural Environment Maps for Global Illumination

seddi-research/NEnv Computer Graphics Forum 2023

We propose NEnv, a deep-learning fully-differentiable method, capable of compressing and learning to sample from a single environment map.