Occupation prediction

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Celebrity Profiling

webis-de/acl-19 ACL 2019

Celebrities are among the most prolific users of social media, promoting their personas and rallying followers.

MEME: Generating RNN Model Explanations via Model Extraction

dmitrykazhdan/MEME-RNN-XAI NeurIPS Workshop HAMLETS 2020

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have achieved remarkable performance on a range of tasks.

MEME: Generating RNN Model Explanations via Model Extraction

dmitrykazhdan/MEME-RNN-XAI 13 Dec 2020

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have achieved remarkable performance on a range of tasks.

[Re] Reproducing Learning to Deceive With Attention-Based Explanations

MatPrst/deceptive-attention-reproduced RC 2020

Across multiple datasets, the authors show that with the impermissible tokens removed the model accuracy drops, implying their usage in prediction.