Political Salient Issue Orientation Detection

3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Tracking Legislators’ Expressed Policy Agendas in Real Time

MohammadForouhesh/Computational-Political-Science-Papers-Implementations SocArXiv 2022

We develop a real-time scalable method to analyze strategic communication by political actors on salient policy issues through their tweets.

RICo: Reddit ideological communities

ADCLab/RedditIdeologyDB Online Social Networks and Media 2024

Previous work addressed label curation by using ideological subreddits (r/Liberal and r/Conservative for Liberal and Conservative classes) to label the articles shared on those subreddits according to their prescribed ideologies, albeit with a limited dataset.

Comprehensive dataset of user-submitted articles with ideological and extreme bias from Reddit

ADCLab/RedditIdeologyDB Data in Brief 2024

In total, our combined dataset of 1. 3 million articles collected from 55 different subreddits will assist in examining radicalized communities and providing discourse analysis in associated subreddits, enhancing understanding of the language used in articles shared within radicalized Reddit communities and offering insights into extreme bias in media content.