
51 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Retrosynthetic analysis is a pivotal synthetic methodology in organic chemistry that employs a reverse-engineering approach, initiating from the target compound and retroactively tracing potential synthesis routes and precursor molecules. This technique proves instrumental in sculpting efficient synthetic strategies for intricate molecules, thus catalyzing the evolution and progression of novel pharmaceuticals and materials.


Most implemented papers

Learning Graph Models for Retrosynthesis Prediction

vsomnath/graphretro NeurIPS 2021

Retrosynthesis prediction is a fundamental problem in organic synthesis, where the task is to identify precursor molecules that can be used to synthesize a target molecule.

Computer-Assisted Retrosynthesis Based on Molecular Similarity

connorcoley/retrosim ACS Cent. Sci. 2017

We demonstrate molecular similarity to be a surprisingly effective metric for proposing and ranking one-step retrosynthetic disconnections based on analogy to precedent reactions.

A Model to Search for Synthesizable Molecules

john-bradshaw/molecule-chef NeurIPS 2019

Deep generative models are able to suggest new organic molecules by generating strings, trees, and graphs representing their structure.

Predicting Retrosynthetic Reaction using Self-Corrected Transformer Neural Networks

sysu-yanglab/SCROP 2 Jul 2019

Synthesis planning is the process of recursively decomposing target molecules into available precursors.

Retrosynthesis Prediction with Conditional Graph Logic Network

Hanjun-Dai/GLN NeurIPS 2019

Retrosynthesis is one of the fundamental problems in organic chemistry.

State-of-the-Art Augmented NLP Transformer models for direct and single-step retrosynthesis

bigchem/synthesis 5 Mar 2020

We investigated the effect of different training scenarios on predicting the (retro)synthesis of chemical compounds using a text-like representation of chemical reactions (SMILES) and Natural Language Processing neural network Transformer architecture.

A Bayesian algorithm for retrosynthesis

zguo235/bayesian_retro 6 Mar 2020

The identification of synthetic routes that end with a desired product has been an inherently time-consuming process that is largely dependent on expert knowledge regarding a limited fraction of the entire reaction space.

Molecule Edit Graph Attention Network: Modeling Chemical Reactions as Sequences of Graph Edits

molecule-one/megan 27 Jun 2020

The central challenge in automated synthesis planning is to be able to generate and predict outcomes of a diverse set of chemical reactions.

RetroXpert: Decompose Retrosynthesis Prediction like a Chemist

uta-smile/RetroXpert NeurIPS 2020

Retrosynthesis is the process of recursively decomposing target molecules into available building blocks.

Modern Hopfield Networks for Few- and Zero-Shot Reaction Template Prediction

ml-jku/mhn-react 7 Apr 2021

Finding synthesis routes for molecules of interest is an essential step in the discovery of new drugs and materials.