Robust Face Alignment

7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Robust face alignment is the task of face alignment in unconstrained (non-artificial) conditions.

( Image credit: Deep Alignment Network )

Most implemented papers

Adaptive Wing Loss for Robust Face Alignment via Heatmap Regression

protossw512/AdaptiveWingLoss ICCV 2019

Then we propose a novel loss function, named Adaptive Wing loss, that is able to adapt its shape to different types of ground truth heatmap pixels.

Deep Alignment Network: A convolutional neural network for robust face alignment

MarekKowalski/DeepAlignmentNetwork 6 Jun 2017

Our method uses entire face images at all stages, contrary to the recently proposed face alignment methods that rely on local patches.


rlit/LatentRANSAC CVPR 2018

We present a method that can evaluate a RANSAC hypothesis in constant time, i. e. independent of the size of the data.

Sparse Local Patch Transformer for Robust Face Alignment and Landmarks Inherent Relation Learning

jiahao-uts/slpt-master CVPR 2022

The SLPT generates the representation of each single landmark from a local patch and aggregates them by an adaptive inherent relation based on the attention mechanism.