Rotated MNIST

18 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Progressive Conservative Adaptation for Evolving Target Domains

no code yet • 7 Feb 2024

Moreover, as adjusting to the most recent target domain can interfere with the features learned from previous target domains, we develop a conservative sparse attention mechanism.

Scale-Rotation-Equivariant Lie Group Convolution Neural Networks (Lie Group-CNNs)

no code yet • 12 Jun 2023

In addition, the generalization ability of the Lie group-CNN on SIM(2) on rotation-equivariance is verified on rotated-MNIST and rotated-CIFAR10, and the robustness of the network is verified on SO(2) and SE(2).

Group Invariant Global Pooling

no code yet • 30 May 2023

Much work has been devoted to devising architectures that build group-equivariant representations, while invariance is often induced using simple global pooling mechanisms.

Diversity Boosted Learning for Domain Generalization with Large Number of Domains

no code yet • 28 Jul 2022

Machine learning algorithms minimizing the average training loss usually suffer from poor generalization performance due to the greedy exploitation of correlations among the training data, which are not stable under distributional shifts.

Generalizing to Unseen Domains with Wasserstein Distributional Robustness under Limited Source Knowledge

no code yet • 11 Jul 2022

Domain generalization aims at learning a universal model that performs well on unseen target domains, incorporating knowledge from multiple source domains.

Transform-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification and Search

no code yet • 18 Jun 2022

In particular, the conventional objective (cost) function employed during the training process of a VAE both quantifies the agreement between the input and output data records and ensures that the latent space representation of the input data record is statistically generated with an appropriate mean and standard deviation.

Improving the Sample-Complexity of Deep Classification Networks with Invariant Integration

no code yet • 8 Feb 2022

We demonstrate the improved sample complexity on the Rotated-MNIST, SVHN and CIFAR-10 datasets where rotation-invariant-integration-based Wide-ResNet architectures using monomials and weighted sums outperform the respective baselines in the limited sample regime.

Learning Augmentation Distributions using Transformed Risk Minimization

no code yet • 16 Nov 2021

We propose a new \emph{Transformed Risk Minimization} (TRM) framework as an extension of classical risk minimization.

Learning Rotation Invariant Features for Cryogenic Electron Microscopy Image Reconstruction

no code yet • 10 Jan 2021

A fundamental step in the recovering of the 3D single-particle structure is to align its 2D projections; thus, the construction of a canonical representation with a fixed rotation angle is required.

Invariant Integration in Deep Convolutional Feature Space

no code yet • 20 Apr 2020

In this contribution, we show how to incorporate prior knowledge to a deep neural network architecture in a principled manner.