Speaker Diarization

74 papers with code • 12 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Speaker Diarization is the task of segmenting and co-indexing audio recordings by speaker. The way the task is commonly defined, the goal is not to identify known speakers, but to co-index segments that are attributed to the same speaker; in other words, diarization implies finding speaker boundaries and grouping segments that belong to the same speaker, and, as a by-product, determining the number of distinct speakers. In combination with speech recognition, diarization enables speaker-attributed speech-to-text transcription.

Source: Improving Diarization Robustness using Diversification, Randomization and the DOVER Algorithm


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Most implemented papers

TitaNet: Neural Model for speaker representation with 1D Depth-wise separable convolutions and global context

NVIDIA/NeMo 8 Oct 2021

In this paper, we propose TitaNet, a novel neural network architecture for extracting speaker representations.

BERTraffic: BERT-based Joint Speaker Role and Speaker Change Detection for Air Traffic Control Communications

idiap/bert-text-diarization-atc 12 Oct 2021

We propose a system that combines SAD and a BERT model to perform speaker change detection and speaker role detection (SRD) by chunking ASR transcripts, i. e., SD with a defined number of speakers together with SRD.

Speaker Embedding-aware Neural Diarization for Flexible Number of Speakers with Textual Information

alibaba-damo-academy/FunASR 28 Nov 2021

In this paper, we reformulate this task as a single-label prediction problem by encoding the multi-speaker labels with power set.

From Simulated Mixtures to Simulated Conversations as Training Data for End-to-End Neural Diarization

butspeechfit/eend 2 Apr 2022

However, simulated mixtures do not resemble real conversations in many aspects.

BER: Balanced Error Rate For Speaker Diarization

x-lance/ber 8 Nov 2022

DER is the primary metric to evaluate diarization performance while facing a dilemma: the errors in short utterances or segments tend to be overwhelmed by longer ones.

Self-supervised Audio Teacher-Student Transformer for Both Clip-level and Frame-level Tasks

audio-westlakeu/audiossl 7 Jun 2023

In order to tackle both clip-level and frame-level tasks, this paper proposes Audio Teacher-Student Transformer (ATST), with a clip-level version (named ATST-Clip) and a frame-level version (named ATST-Frame), responsible for learning clip-level and frame-level representations, respectively.

Speech Emotion Diarization: Which Emotion Appears When?

speechbrain/speechbrain 22 Jun 2023

Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) typically relies on utterance-level solutions.

DiarizationLM: Speaker Diarization Post-Processing with Large Language Models

google/speaker-id 7 Jan 2024

In this paper, we introduce DiarizationLM, a framework to leverage large language models (LLM) to post-process the outputs from a speaker diarization system.

Scalable Adaptation of State Complexity for Nonparametric Hidden Markov Models

michaelchughes/x-hdphmm-nips2015 NeurIPS 2015

Bayesian nonparametric hidden Markov models are typically learned via fixed truncations of the infinite state space or local Monte Carlo proposals that make small changes to the state space.