Split and Rephrase

11 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

Split and Rephrase with Large Language Models

no code yet • 18 Dec 2023

Our results provide a fine-grained analysis of the potential and limitations of large language models for SPRP, with significant improvements achievable using relatively small amounts of training data and model parameters overall, and remaining limitations for all models on the task.

CEScore: Simple and Efficient Confidence Estimation Model for Evaluating Split and Rephrase

no code yet • 3 Dec 2023

This underscores the potential of CEScore as a simple and effective metric for assessing the overall quality of SR models.

Conjunct Resolution in the Face of Verbal Omissions

no code yet • 26 May 2023

In this work we propose a conjunct resolution task that operates directly on the text and makes use of a split-and-rephrase paradigm in order to recover the missing elements in the coordination structure.

Small but Mighty: New Benchmarks for Split and Rephrase

no code yet • EMNLP 2020

Split and Rephrase is a text simplification task of rewriting a complex sentence into simpler ones.

Fact-aware Sentence Split and Rephrase with Permutation Invariant Training

no code yet • 16 Jan 2020

To overcome the challenges, we first propose the Fact-aware Sentence Encoding, which enables the model to learn facts from the long sentence and thus improves the precision of sentence split; then we introduce Permutation Invariant Training to alleviate the effects of order variance in seq2seq learning for this task.