Subject Transfer
3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets
Most implemented papers
MS-MDA: Multisource Marginal Distribution Adaptation for Cross-subject and Cross-session EEG Emotion Recognition
Although several studies have adopted domain adaptation (DA) approaches to tackle this problem, most of them treat multiple EEG data from different subjects and sessions together as a single source domain for transfer, which either fails to satisfy the assumption of domain adaptation that the source has a certain marginal distribution, or increases the difficulty of adaptation.
SCAM! Transferring humans between images with Semantic Cross Attention Modulation
In this work, we introduce SCAM (Semantic Cross Attention Modulation), a system that encodes rich and diverse information in each semantic region of the image (including foreground and background), thus achieving precise generation with emphasis on fine details.
EZIGen: Enhancing zero-shot personalized image generation with precise subject encoding and decoupled guidance
Zero-shot personalized image generation models aim to produce images that align with both a given text prompt and subject image, requiring the model to effectively incorporate both sources of guidance.