Tensor Networks

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Tensor-based algorithms for image classification

PGelss/scikit_tt 4 Oct 2019

The interest in machine learning with tensor networks has been growing rapidly in recent years.

Expressive power of tensor-network factorizations for probabilistic modeling

glivan/tensor_networks_for_probabilistic_modeling NeurIPS 2019

Inspired by these developments, and the natural correspondence between tensor networks and probabilistic graphical models, we provide a rigorous analysis of the expressive power of various tensor-network factorizations of discrete multivariate probability distributions.

Algorithms for Tensor Network Contraction Ordering

frankschindler/OptimizedTensorContraction 15 Jan 2020

We compare the obtained contraction sequences and identify signs of highly non-local optimization, with the more sophisticated algorithms sacrificing run-time early in the contraction for better overall performance.

Supervised Learning for Non-Sequential Data: A Canonical Polyadic Decomposition Approach

KritonKonstantinidis/CPD_Supervised_Learning 27 Jan 2020

However, both TT and other Tensor Networks (TNs), such as Tensor Ring and Hierarchical Tucker, are sensitive to the ordering of their indices (and hence to the features).

Tensor Networks for Probabilistic Sequence Modeling

jemisjoky/umps_code 2 Mar 2020

Tensor networks are a powerful modeling framework developed for computational many-body physics, which have only recently been applied within machine learning.

Quantum-Classical Machine learning by Hybrid Tensor Networks

dingliu0305/Hybrid-Tensor-Network 15 May 2020

In this work, we propose the quantum-classical hybrid tensor networks (HTN) which combine tensor networks with classical neural networks in a uniform deep learning framework to overcome the limitations of regular tensor networks in machine learning.

Deep convolutional tensor network

philip-bl/dctn 29 May 2020

Also, DCTN of any depth performs badly on CIFAR10 due to overfitting.

T-Basis: a Compact Representation for Neural Networks

toshas/tbasis ICML 2020

Each of the tensors in the set is modeled using Tensor Rings, though the concept applies to other Tensor Networks.

Locally orderless tensor networks for classifying two- and three-dimensional medical images

raghavian/mltn 25 Sep 2020

The proposed locally orderless tensor network (LoTeNet) is compared with relevant methods on three datasets.

Multi-Graph Tensor Networks

gylx/GTNRL-Trading 25 Oct 2020

The irregular and multi-modal nature of numerous modern data sources poses serious challenges for traditional deep learning algorithms.