
136 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 14 datasets

Text-to-SQL is a task in natural language processing (NLP) where the goal is to automatically generate SQL queries from natural language text. The task involves converting the text input into a structured representation and then using this representation to generate a semantically correct SQL query that can be executed on a database.

( Image credit: SyntaxSQLNet )


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4 papers

AraSpider: Democratizing Arabic-to-SQL

ahmedheakl/araspider 12 Feb 2024

The results showed that using back translation significantly improved the performance of both ChatGPT 3. 5 and SQLCoder models, which are considered top performers on the Spider dataset.

12 Feb 2024

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Large Language Models on Text-to-SQL Synthesis

cuplv/text-to-sql-wizardcoder 22 Jan 2024

This study investigates various approaches to using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Text-to-SQL program synthesis, focusing on the outcomes and insights derived.

22 Jan 2024

MAC-SQL: A Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework for Text-to-SQL

wbbeyourself/mac-sql 18 Dec 2023

Our framework comprises a core decomposer agent for Text-to-SQL generation with few-shot chain-of-thought reasoning, accompanied by two auxiliary agents that utilize external tools or models to acquire smaller sub-databases and refine erroneous SQL queries.

18 Dec 2023

LLM-SQL-Solver: Can LLMs Determine SQL Equivalence?

ZhaoFuheng/LLM-SQL-Solver 16 Dec 2023

Judging the equivalence between two SQL queries is a fundamental problem with many practical applications in data management and SQL generation (i. e., evaluating the quality of generated SQL queries in text-to-SQL task).

16 Dec 2023

DBCopilot: Scaling Natural Language Querying to Massive Databases

tshu-w/dbcopilot 6 Dec 2023

Text-to-SQL simplifies database interactions by enabling non-experts to convert their natural language (NL) questions into Structured Query Language (SQL) queries.

06 Dec 2023

CRUSH4SQL: Collective Retrieval Using Schema Hallucination For Text2SQL

imayk/crush4sql 2 Nov 2023

Standard dense retrieval techniques are inadequate for schema subsetting of a large structured database, where the correct semantics of retrieval demands that we rank sets of schema elements rather than individual elements.

02 Nov 2023

SQLformer: Deep Auto-Regressive Query Graph Generation for Text-to-SQL Translation

adrianbzg/sqlformer 27 Oct 2023

However, some of its key hurdles include domain generalisation, which is the ability to adapt to previously unseen databases, and alignment of natural language questions with the corresponding SQL queries.

27 Oct 2023

ACT-SQL: In-Context Learning for Text-to-SQL with Automatically-Generated Chain-of-Thought

x-lance/text2sql-gpt 26 Oct 2023

Recently Large Language Models (LLMs) have been proven to have strong abilities in various domains and tasks.

26 Oct 2023

TUR2SQL: A Cross-Domain Turkish Dataset For Text-to-SQL

alibugra/TUR2SQL 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK) 2023

The field of converting natural language into corresponding SQL queries using deep learning techniques has attracted significant attention in recent years.

24 Oct 2023

Benchmarking and Improving Text-to-SQL Generation under Ambiguity

testzer0/ambiqt 20 Oct 2023

Research in Text-to-SQL conversion has been largely benchmarked against datasets where each text query corresponds to one correct SQL.

20 Oct 2023