Timeline Summarization

5 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Identifying key dates of major events and providing short descriptions of what happened on these dates. (Source: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-5403/)

Latest papers with no code

An Overview Of Temporal Commonsense Reasoning and Acquisition

no code yet • 28 Jul 2023

Temporal commonsense reasoning refers to the ability to understand the typical temporal context of phrases, actions, and events, and use it to reason over problems requiring such knowledge.

Archive TimeLine Summarization (ATLS): Conceptual Framework for Timeline Generation over Historical Document Collections

no code yet • LaTeCHCLfL (COLING) 2022

Archive collections are nowadays mostly available through search engines interfaces, which allow a user to retrieve documents by issuing queries.

Placing (Historical) Events on a Timeline: A Classification cum Co-ref Resolution Approach

no code yet • ACL ARR September 2021

The event timeline provides one of the most effective ways to visualize the important historical events that occurred over a period of time, presenting the insights that may not be so apparent from reading the equivalent information in textual form.

Multi-TimeLine Summarization (MTLS): Improving Timeline Summarization by Generating Multiple Summaries

no code yet • ACL 2021

In this paper, we address a novel task, Multiple TimeLine Summarization (MTLS), which extends the flexibility and versatility of Time-Line Summarization (TLS).

CNTLS: A Benchmark Dataset for Abstractive or Extractive Chinese Timeline Summarization

no code yet • 29 May 2021

We meticulously analyze the corpus using well-known metrics, focusing on the style of the summaries and the complexity of the summarization task.

Dataset Reproducibility and IR Methods in Timeline Summarization

no code yet • LREC 2020

We therefore construct event-specific corpora from a large static background corpus, the newsroom dataset, using differing, relatively simple IR methods based on raw text alone.

Abstractive Timeline Summarization

no code yet • WS 2019

In addition, we present the first abstractive oracle experiments for TLS.

A Dynamic Evolutionary Framework for Timeline Generation based on Distributed Representations

no code yet • 14 May 2019

Given the collection of timestamped web documents related to the evolving topic, timeline summarization (TS) highlights its most important events in the form of relevant summaries to represent the development of a topic over time.

Improving ROUGE for Timeline Summarization

no code yet • EACL 2017

Current evaluation metrics for timeline summarization either ignore the temporal aspect of the task or require strict date matching.

Balancing Novelty and Salience: Adaptive Learning to Rank Entities for Timeline Summarization of High-impact Events

no code yet • 14 Jan 2017

In this work, we present a novel approach for timeline summarization of high-impact events, which uses entities instead of sentences for summarizing the event at each individual point in time.