Toponym Resolution

8 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

The goal is to find a mapping from a toponym (a location mention) in the text to a spatial footprint.


Most implemented papers

A Deep Learning Approach to Geographical Candidate Selection through Toponym Matching

Living-with-machines/DeezyMatch 17 Sep 2020

We report its performance on candidate selection in the context of the downstream task of toponym resolution, both on existing datasets and on a new manually-annotated resource of nineteenth-century English OCR'd text.

A Coherent Unsupervised Model for Toponym Resolution

ehsk/CHF-TopoResolver 4 May 2018

The evaluation shows that our method outperforms the unsupervised technique as well as Reuters OpenCalais and Google Cloud Natural Language API on all three corpora; also, our method shows a performance close to that of the state-of-the-art supervised method and outperforms it when the test data has 40% or more toponyms that are not seen in the training data.

A Pragmatic Guide to Geoparsing Evaluation

milangritta/Pragmatic-Guide-to-Geoparsing-Evaluation 29 Oct 2018

Empirical methods in geoparsing have thus far lacked a standard evaluation framework describing the task, metrics and data used to compare state-of-the-art systems.

Are We There Yet? Evaluating State-of-the-Art Neural Network based Geoparsers Using EUPEG as a Benchmarking Platform

geoai-lab/EUPEG 15 Jul 2020

In June 2019, a geoparsing competition, Toponym Resolution in Scientific Papers, was held as one of the SemEval 2019 tasks.

Spatial Language Representation with Multi-Level Geocoding

google-research-datasets/mlg_evaldata 21 Aug 2020

We present a multi-level geocoding model (MLG) that learns to associate texts to geographic locations.

How can voting mechanisms improve the robustness and generalizability of toponym disambiguation?

uhuohuy/toponym-disambiguation-voting 17 Sep 2022

A vast amount of geographic information exists in natural language texts, such as tweets and news.

Mordecai 3: A Neural Geoparser and Event Geocoder

ahalterman/mordecai3 23 Mar 2023

Mordecai3 is a new end-to-end text geoparser and event geolocation system.

Improving Toponym Resolution with Better Candidate Generation, Transformer-based Reranking, and Two-Stage Resolution

clulab/geonorm 18 May 2023

Geocoding is the task of converting location mentions in text into structured data that encodes the geospatial semantics.