Type prediction

41 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Convolutional neural network models for cancer type prediction based on gene expression

chenlabgccri/CancerTypePrediction 18 Jun 2019

In breast cancer, for instance, our model identified well-known markers, such as GATA3 and ESR1.

A Physical Embedding Model for Knowledge Graphs

dice-group/PYKE 21 Jan 2020

We present a novel and scalable paradigm for the computation of knowledge graph embeddings, which we dub PYKE .

Code Prediction by Feeding Trees to Transformers

facebookresearch/code-prediction-transformer 30 Mar 2020

We provide comprehensive experimental evaluation of our proposal, along with alternative design choices, on a standard Python dataset, as well as on a Python corpus internal to Facebook.

OptTyper: Probabilistic Type Inference by Optimising Logical and Natural Constraints

joernio/joernti-codetidal5 1 Apr 2020

OptTyper combines a continuous interpretation of logical constraints derived by classical static analysis of TypeScript code, with natural constraints obtained from a deep learning model, which learns naming conventions for types from a large codebase.

Improving Broad-Coverage Medical Entity Linking with Semantic Type Prediction and Large-Scale Datasets

svjan5/medtype 1 May 2020

To address the dearth of annotated training data for medical entity linking, we present WikiMed and PubMedDS, two large-scale medical entity linking datasets, and demonstrate that pre-training MedType on these datasets further improves entity linking performance.

HookNet: multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation in histopathology whole-slide images

computationalpathologygroup/hooknet 22 Jun 2020

We propose HookNet, a semantic segmentation model for histopathology whole-slide images, which combines context and details via multiple branches of encoder-decoder convolutional neural networks.

Contrastive Code Representation Learning

parasj/contracode EMNLP 2021

Recent work learns contextual representations of source code by reconstructing tokens from their context.

GraphCodeBERT: Pre-training Code Representations with Data Flow

microsoft/CodeBERT ICLR 2021

Instead of taking syntactic-level structure of code like abstract syntax tree (AST), we use data flow in the pre-training stage, which is a semantic-level structure of code that encodes the relation of "where-the-value-comes-from" between variables.

MIMOSA: Multi-constraint Molecule Sampling for Molecule Optimization

futianfan/mimosa 5 Oct 2020

Molecule optimization is a fundamental task for accelerating drug discovery, with the goal of generating new valid molecules that maximize multiple drug properties while maintaining similarity to the input molecule.

On the Complementary Nature of Knowledge Graph Embedding, Fine Grain Entity Types, and Language Modeling

rajathpatel23/joint-kge-fnet-lm EMNLP (DeeLIO) 2020

We demonstrate the complementary natures of neural knowledge graph embedding, fine-grain entity type prediction, and neural language modeling.