Video Temporal Consistency
8 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets
A method that remove temporal flickering and other artifacts from videos, in particular those introduced by (non-temporal-aware) per-frame processing
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Blind Video Temporal Consistency via Deep Video Prior
Extensive quantitative and perceptual experiments show that our approach obtains superior performance than state-of-the-art methods on blind video temporal consistency.
Learning Blind Video Temporal Consistency
Our method takes the original unprocessed and per-frame processed videos as inputs to produce a temporally consistent video.
Deep Video Prior for Video Consistency and Propagation
A progressive propagation strategy with pseudo labels is also proposed to enhance DVP's performance on video propagation.
Interactive Control over Temporal Consistency while Stylizing Video Streams
For stylization tasks, however, consistency control is an essential requirement as a certain amount of flickering adds to the artistic look and feel.
Blind Video Deflickering by Neural Filtering with a Flawed Atlas
Prior work usually requires specific guidance such as the flickering frequency, manual annotations, or extra consistent videos to remove the flicker.
Edit Temporal-Consistent Videos with Image Diffusion Model
In addition to the utilization of a pretrained T2I 2D Unet for spatial content manipulation, we establish a dedicated temporal Unet architecture to faithfully capture the temporal coherence of the input video sequences.
Beyond Alignment: Blind Video Face Restoration via Parsing-Guided Temporal-Coherent Transformer
Multiple complex degradations are coupled in low-quality video faces in the real world.
NaRCan: Natural Refined Canonical Image with Integration of Diffusion Prior for Video Editing
We propose a video editing framework, NaRCan, which integrates a hybrid deformation field and diffusion prior to generate high-quality natural canonical images to represent the input video.