Visual Tracking

170 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 26 datasets

Visual Tracking is an essential and actively researched problem in the field of computer vision with various real-world applications such as robotic services, smart surveillance systems, autonomous driving, and human-computer interaction. It refers to the automatic estimation of the trajectory of an arbitrary target object, usually specified by a bounding box in the first frame, as it moves around in subsequent video frames.

Source: Learning Reinforced Attentional Representation for End-to-End Visual Tracking


Use these libraries to find Visual Tracking models and implementations
7 papers
3 papers
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Improving Underwater Visual Tracking With a Large Scale Dataset and Image Enhancement

basitalawode/uwvot400 30 Aug 2023

The method has resulted in a significant performance improvement, of up to 5. 0% AUC, of state-of-the-art (SOTA) visual trackers.

30 Aug 2023

Learning Visual Tracking and Reaching with Deep Reinforcement Learning on a UR10e Robotic Arm

cbellinger27/bendrl_reacher_tracker 28 Aug 2023

The report describes the reinforcement learning environments created to facilitate policy learning with the UR10e, a robotic arm from Universal Robots, and presents our initial results in training deep Q-learning and proximal policy optimization agents on the developed reinforcement learning environments.

28 Aug 2023

Integrating Boxes and Masks: A Multi-Object Framework for Unified Visual Tracking and Segmentation

yoxu515/mits ICCV 2023

Tracking any given object(s) spatially and temporally is a common purpose in Visual Object Tracking (VOT) and Video Object Segmentation (VOS).

25 Aug 2023

CiteTracker: Correlating Image and Text for Visual Tracking

norahgreen/citetracker ICCV 2023

Existing visual tracking methods typically take an image patch as the reference of the target to perform tracking.

22 Aug 2023

Towards Real-World Visual Tracking with Temporal Contexts

vision4robotics/tctrack 20 Aug 2023

To handle those problems, we propose a two-level framework (TCTrack) that can exploit temporal contexts efficiently.

20 Aug 2023

Robust Object Modeling for Visual Tracking

dawnyc/romtrack ICCV 2023

To enjoy the merits of both methods, we propose a robust object modeling framework for visual tracking (ROMTrack), which simultaneously models the inherent template and the hybrid template features.

09 Aug 2023

TAPIR: Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization and temporal Refinement

deepmind/tapnet ICCV 2023

We present a novel model for Tracking Any Point (TAP) that effectively tracks any queried point on any physical surface throughout a video sequence.

14 Jun 2023

Cross-Drone Transformer Network for Robust Single Object Tracking

cgjacklin/transmdot IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2023

During the tracking process, a cross-drone mapping mechanism is proposed by using the surrounding information of the drone with promising tracking status as reference, assisting drones that lost targets to re-calibrate, which implements real-time cross-drone information interaction.

05 Jun 2023

Estimation of control area in badminton doubles with pose information from top and back view drone videos

ning-d/drone_bd_controlarea 7 May 2023

In this work, we present the first annotated drone dataset from top and back views in badminton doubles and propose a framework to estimate the control area probability map, which can be used to evaluate teamwork performance.

07 May 2023

Tracking through Containers and Occluders in the Wild

basilevh/tcow CVPR 2023

Tracking objects with persistence in cluttered and dynamic environments remains a difficult challenge for computer vision systems.

04 May 2023