Visual Tracking

169 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 27 datasets

Visual Tracking is an essential and actively researched problem in the field of computer vision with various real-world applications such as robotic services, smart surveillance systems, autonomous driving, and human-computer interaction. It refers to the automatic estimation of the trajectory of an arbitrary target object, usually specified by a bounding box in the first frame, as it moves around in subsequent video frames.

Source: Learning Reinforced Attentional Representation for End-to-End Visual Tracking


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Most implemented papers

Tracking Holistic Object Representations

xl-sr/THOR 21 Jul 2019

The framework leverages the idea of obtaining additional object templates during the tracking process.

GradNet: Gradient-Guided Network for Visual Object Tracking

LPXTT/GradNet-Pytorch ICCV 2019

In this work, we propose a novel gradient-guided network to exploit the discriminative information in gradients and update the template in the siamese network through feed-forward and backward operations.

SiamCAR: Siamese Fully Convolutional Classification and Regression for Visual Tracking

ohhhyeahhh/SiamCAR CVPR 2020

The proposed framework SiamCAR consists of two simple subnetworks: one Siamese subnetwork for feature extraction and one classification-regression subnetwork for bounding box prediction.

Siamese Box Adaptive Network for Visual Tracking

hqucv/siamban CVPR 2020

Most of the existing trackers usually rely on either a multi-scale searching scheme or pre-defined anchor boxes to accurately estimate the scale and aspect ratio of a target.

Probabilistic Regression for Visual Tracking

visionml/pytracking CVPR 2020

In this work, we therefore propose a probabilistic regression formulation and apply it to tracking.

High-Performance Long-Term Tracking with Meta-Updater

Daikenan/LTMU CVPR 2020

Most top-ranked long-term trackers adopt the offline-trained Siamese architectures, thus, they cannot benefit from great progress of short-term trackers with online update.

Fully Convolutional Online Tracking

MCG-NJU/FCOT 15 Apr 2020

To tackle this issue, we present the fully convolutional online tracking framework, coined as FCOT, and focus on enabling online learning for both classification and regression branches by using a target filter based tracking paradigm.

Multi-modal Visual Tracking: Review and Experimental Comparison

zhang-pengyu/Multimodal_tracking_survey 8 Dec 2020

Visual object tracking, as a fundamental task in computer vision, has drawn much attention in recent years.

Predictive Visual Tracking: A New Benchmark and Baseline Approach

vision4robotics/LAE-PVT-master 8 Mar 2021

As a crucial robotic perception capability, visual tracking has been intensively studied recently.