Search Results for author: Alfonso Semeraro

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Analyzing and visualizing polarization and balance with signed networks: the U.S. Congress case study

no code implementations1 Sep 2022 Arthur Capozzi, Alfonso Semeraro, Giancarlo Ruffo

Signed networks and balance theory provide a natural setting for real-world scenarios that show polarization dynamics, positive/negative relationships, and political partisanship.

Writing about COVID-19 vaccines: Emotional profiling unravels how mainstream and alternative press framed AstraZeneca, Pfizer and vaccination campaigns

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Alfonso Semeraro, Salvatore Vilella, Giancarlo Ruffo, Massimo Stella

Our findings expose crucial aspects of the emotional narratives around COVID-19 vaccines adopted by the press, highlighting the need to understand how alternative and mainstream media report vaccination news.

Studying Fake News Spreading, Polarisation Dynamics, and Manipulation by Bots: a Tale of Networks and Language

no code implementations13 Sep 2021 Giancarlo Ruffo, Alfonso Semeraro, Anastasia Giachanou, Paolo Rosso

With the explosive growth of online social media, the ancient problem of information disorders interfering with news diffusion has surfaced with a renewed intensity threatening our democracies, public health, and news outlets' credibility.

Misinformation Rumour Detection

PyPlutchik: visualising and comparing emotion-annotated corpora

1 code implementation19 Apr 2021 Alfonso Semeraro, Salvatore Vilella, Giancarlo Ruffo

The increasing availability of textual corpora and data fetched from social networks is fuelling a huge production of works based on the model proposed by psychologist Robert Plutchik, often referred simply as the ``Plutchik Wheel''.

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